What if multilingual learners had the freedom to interact in more than one language with their peers during classroom assessment? What if multilingual learners and their teachers in dual language settings had opportunities to use assessment data in multiple languages to make decisions? Just imagine the rich linguistic, academic, and cultural reservoirs we could tap as we determine what our multilingual learners know and can do. Thankfully, Margo Gottlieb is here to provide concrete and actionable guidance on how to create assessment systems that enable understanding of the whole student, not just that fraction of the student who is only visible as an English learner. With Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages as your guide, you’ll:Better understand the rationale for and evidence on the value and advantages of classroom assessment in multiple languagesAdd to your toolkit of classroom assessment practices in one or multiple languagesBe more precise and effective in your assessment of multilingual learners by embedding assessment as, for, and of learning into your instructional repertoireRecognize how social-emotional, content, and language learning are all tied to classroom assessmentGuide multilingual learners in having voice and choice in the assessment process Despite the urgent need, assessment for multilingual learners is generally tucked into a remote chapter, if touched upon at all in a book; the number of resources narrows even more when multiple languages are brought into play. Here at last is that single resource on how educators and multilingual learners can mutually value languages and cultures in instruction and assessment throughout the school day and over time. We encourage you to get started right away. "Margo Gottlieb has demonstrated why the field, particularly the field as it involves the teaching of multilingual learners, needs another assessment book, particularly a book like this. . . . Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages quite likely could serve as a catalyst toward the beginning of an enlightened discourse around assessment that will benefit multilingual learners." ~Kathy Escamilla
Foreword \\ Preface \\ About the Author \\ Chapter 1: Who Are Multilingual Learners and Why Assess in Multiple Languages? \\ The Dilemma: But the term English learners doesn’t accentuate what our students can do! \\ What Is the Terminology (and Labels) for Multilingual Learners and Their Tie to Assessment? \\ What Are the Prevailing Theories of Language Learning? \\ What Is a Framework for Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages? \\ How Might We Create a Language and Assessment Policy? \\ The Big Question: Why Assess in Multiple Languages? \\ What Is Assessment as, for, and of Learning for Multilingual Learners in Multiple Languages? \\ What Are Some Tips for Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages? \\ How Might We Face the Issue? Instill an Assets-Driven Philosophy in Your Classroom or School! \\ How Might We Resolve the Dilemma? Accentuate What Multilingual Learners Can Do! \\ Resources for Multilingual Learners, Their Teachers, and Other School Leaders \\ Chapter 2: How Do We Get Started With Assessment in Multiple Languages? \\ The Dilemma: But I only speak English… someone needs to translate! \\ How Do We Begin to Think About Assessment for Multilingual Learners in Multiple Languages? \\ What Comes Next in Assessing in Multiple Languages? \\ How Is Classroom Assessment as, for, and of Learning Useful? \\ How Do Standards Impact Assessment in Multiple Languages? \\ How Is Assessment in Multiple Languages Related to Curriculum Design? \\ Where Does Translanguaging Fit Into Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment? \\ How Might We Face the Issue? Create a Multilingual Resource Bank \\ How Might We Resolve the Dilemma? Enlist Multilinguals in the Assessment Process! \\ Resources for Multilingual Learners, Their Teachers, and Other Instructional Leaders \\ Chapter 3: Planning Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages \\ The Dilemma: But my students just socialize in their home language! \\ What Does Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages Entail? \\ How Is Classroom Assessment an Expression of Curriculum Design? \\ Planning Classroom Assessment as, for, and of Learning for Curriculum and Instruction \\ Where Does Translanguaging Fit in Planning Assessment? \\ How Might We Face the Issue? Ask Questions and Listen to Your Students! \\ How Might We Resolve the Dilemma? Put Trust in Your Multilingual Learners! \\ Resources for Multilingual Learners, Teachers, and Other School Leaders \\ Chapter 4: Collecting and Organizing Assessment Information in Multiple Languages \\ The Dilemma: But my colleagues and school leaders simply don’t understand the value of multilingualism! \\ Why Match Data to the Purposes for Assessment? \\ What Resources Enhance Instruction and Assessment in Multiple Languages? \\ How Might We Collect and Organize Student Samples in Multiple Languages? \\ How Might We Face the Issue? Connect With Multilingual Families, Communities, and Other Educators \\ How Might We Resolve the Dilemma? Annotate Data From Your Multilingual Learners! \\ Resources for Multilingual Learners, Their Teachers, and Other Instructional Leaders \\ Chapter 5: Interpreting Information and Providing Feedback in Multiple Languages \\ The Dilemma: But learning in multiple languages confuses students and teachers alike! \\ How Might We Interpret Everyday Classroom Data in Multiple Languages? \\ What Are Some Strategies for Interpreting Literacy Data? \\ How Might We Interpret Long-Term Projects in Multiple Languages? \\ What Is the Role of Feedback in Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages? \\ What Is the Role of Collaboration in Interpreting Assessment Information? \\ How Might We Face the Issue? Create an International Network of Educators \\ How Might We Resolve the Dilemma? Believe in Your Students as Learners! \\ Resources for Multilingual Learners, Their Teachers, and Other Instructional Leaders \\ Chapter 6: Evaluating and Reporting Assessment Information in Multiple Languages \\ The Dilemma: But the same grading policy for all students, including multilingual learners, just doesn’t make sense! \\ What Is the Basis for Evaluating Information From Assessment in Multiple Languages? \\ Rethinking Evaluating and Reporting Based on Assessment in Multiple Languages \\ How Might We Report Assessment Results? \\ Student Self-Reflection and Self-Reports: Assessment as Learning \\ Classroom-Generated Reports: Assessment for Learning \\ Unit-Level Reports: Assessment of Learning \\ How Is Grading a Form of Evaluation? \\ How Might We Resolve the Dilemma? Make Sure Multilingual Learners Are Represented in Grading Practices! \\ Grading Multilingual Learners in Times of Stress and Hardship \\ How Can Teacher Collaboration Improve Grading Practices? \\ How Might We Face the Issue? Evaluate Multilingual Learners and Multilingual Learners With Disabilities in the Context of Their Goals for Learning \\ How Might We Face the Dilemma? Make Sure Grading Practices Are Geared for Multilingual Learners \\ Resources for Multilingual Learners, Their Teachers, and Other Instructional Leaders \\ Chapter 7: Taking Action Based on Assessment Results in Multiple Languages \\ The Dilemma: But assessment for multilingual learners is only in one language; what can we do to know who our students really are and what they can do? \\ What Are the Assets That Multilingual Learners Bring to Classroom Assessment? \\ How Might We Strengthen Your Stance for Taking Action Through Assessment as, for, and of Learning? \\ How Might We Take Action Through Reflective Practice? \\ Becoming Assessment Literate: A Schoolwide Action \\ Strength in Action for Large-Scale Assessment of Learning \\ How Can Stakeholders Take Action Based on Assessment Results? \\ How Might We Face the Issue? Take Action to Make Assessment Equitable for Multilingual Learners! \\ How Might We Resolve the Dilemma? Assess Multilingual Learners in Multiple Languages! \\ Resources for Multilingual Learners, Teachers, and Other School Leaders \\ Glossary \\ References \\ Index
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