The book provides an introduction to the differential diagnosis and decision-making in pediatric rheumatological diseases through typical and real cases. One of the aspects in the discussion of various case scenarios is the avoidance of errors and error management. The casebook is useful for specialists and trainees in pediatrics, young doctors, and anyone on the path to specialization in pediatric rheumatology.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.
Tired toddler and a teenage athlete with a bad knee.- 14-year-old boy with pain in the spine and heel pain.- 16-year-old girl with swelling of three fingers.- Fever, rash and joint pain - just an infection?.- What to do when the immune system goes into a storm?.- 10-year-old girl with impaired vision.- Rhinitis and arthritis - do they go together? A cold and arthritis - do they go together? - Tonsillitis - what comes next? - Worm-like movement and the tonsil was inflamed.- Rheumatism and the tick: 10-year-old girl with pronounced knee joint swelling.- First joint pain for weeks, then a skin rash.- When the skin just won’t heal.- 2-year-old toddler with painful bluish-livid discoloration of the hands and feet. When every movement and laughing becomes painful - When the skin becomes hard and calcified - 7-year-old girl with a fever, cough and cold - 15-year-old seriously ill girl with fever after Covid-19 infection - 7-year-old female patient with gastroenteritis and petechiae - 11-year-old patient after stem cell transplantation with headache and chest pain More than just a blocked nose.- When the skin turns blue, bleeds and turns black.- Repeated mouth sores.- 4-year-old girl with repeated episodes of fever and blisters in the mouth.- When the infant does not thrive because he has a fever.- Rash and many complaints due to cold.- The muscle tightens hard and pain in the abdomen.- Is every early childhood polio a symptom of the disease? 16-year-old boy with episodes of chills, weakness and rapid weight loss.- Recurrent fever attacks, but not always an infection.- When sweating and draughts repeatedly cause fever.- Back pain in a schoolchild - overuse or something more? Immediate pain in the hip after sport and jumping - 15-year-old boy with episodic, pronounced back pain - Toddler with unusually early tibia fracture - A walk like Charlie Chaplin - When the skin and neck stretch 3-year-old toddler with recurrent fevers, maculopapular exanthema-polyarthritis and acute neurological symptoms.- 2-year-old boy with severe nocturnal leg pain.- 9-year-old girl with elevated body temperature, marked posture and pain in the right hip. Bone pain, suspected leukemia - and yet the blood count is unremarkable - Severe bone pain and subfebrile temperatures - osteomyelitis? - 7-year-old female patient with known leukodystrophy and skin abnormalities.
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