In the past few decades, it has been realized through research that fungal siderophores epitomize the uptake of iron as well as other essential elements like zinc, magnesium, copper, nickel and arsenic. Understanding the chemical structures of different fungal siderophores and the membrane receptors involved in uptake of mineral ions has opened new areas for research. In this edited volume, recent research is presented on fungal siderophores in one comprehensive volume to provide researchers a strong base for future research. Siderophores are the low molecular weight, high affinity iron/chelating compounds produced by bacteria and fungi. They are responsible for transporting iron across the cell membrane. Fungi produce a range of hydroxamate siderophores involved in the uptake of essential elements in almost all microorganisms and plants. In recent years, siderophores have been used in molecular imaging applications to visualize and understand cellular functions, which thus provide an opportunity to identify new drug targets. Therefore, knowledge of fungal siderophores has become vital in current research. Siderophores have received much attention in recent years because of their potential roles and applications in various research areas. Their significance in these applications is because siderophores have the ability to bind a variety of metals in addition to iron, and they have a wide range of chemical structures and specific properties. For instance, siderophores function as biocontrols, biosensors, and bioremediation and chelation agents, in addition to their important role in weathering soil minerals and enhancing plant growth. This book focuses on siderophores with the following significant points. It discusses leading, state/of/the/art research in all possible areas on fungal siderophores. The contributors are well/known and recognized authorities in the field of fungal siderophores. It discusses a projection of practical applications of fungal siderophores in various domains. This is the first book exclusively on fungal siderophores. In this comprehensive, edited volume, we show leading research on fungal siderophores and provide the most recent knowledge of researchers’ work on siderophores. This book presents in/depth knowledge on siderophores to researchers working in areas of health sciences, microbiology, plant sciences, biotechnology, and bioinformatics.
List of potential contributors S. No. Name Affiliation Email address 1. Dr. Francesco Vinale Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante (IPSP/CNR), Via Universita f.vinale@ipp.cnr.it 2. Dr. Hubertus Haas Division of Molecular Biology/ Biocenter, Innsbruck Medical University hubertus.haas@i/med.ac.at 3. Dr. Elzbieta Gumienna/Kontecka Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland elzbieta.gumienna/kontecka@chem.uni.wroc.pl 4. Dr. Kuang/Ren Chung Citrus Research and Education Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), University of Florida krchung@ufl.edu 5. Prof. Holger B. Deising Martin/Luther/Universitat Halle/Wittenberg Institut holger.deising@landw.uni/halle.de 6. Dr. Peter Punt Leiden University peter.punt@tno.nl 7. Dr. Eric Pearlman Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Eric.Pearlman@case.edu 8. Dr. Manoj Kumar Solanki National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms mkswings321@gmail.com 9. Dr. Gerald Larcher Departement Pharmacie Biochimie University of Angers gerald.larcher@univ/angers.fr 10. Dr. Francesco Vinale CNR / Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante (IPP/CNR), Via Universita, Naples, Italy f.vinale@ipp.cnr.it 11. Dr. Rajinder K. Gupta University School of Biotechnology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University rkg67ap@yahoo.com 12. Dr. Weizhen Qi College of Life Science, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, China qwz0221@live.cn 13. Dr. Lei Zhao Shandong Normal University, China zhaolei@sdu.edu.cn 14. Prof. Gunther Winkelmann Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology University of Tubingen, Germany winkelmann@uni/tuebingen.de 15. Dr. Celia Maria de Almeida Soares Laboratorio de Biologia Molecular, Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidade Federal de Goias cmasoares@gmail.com 16. Dr. Anil Kumar Chhillar Centre for Biotechnology, M.D. University, Rohtak anil.chhillar@gmail.com 17. Dr. Sabiha Yasmin Division of Molecular Biology, Biocenter, Innsbruck Medical University dr.sabiha.yasmin@gmail.com 18. Dr. Linda Johnson AgResearch Limited, Grasslands Research Centre, Palmerston North, New Zealand Linda.Johnson@agresearch.co.nz 19. Dr. Sebastien Rigali Centre for Protein Engineering, University of Liege, Institut de Chimie srigali@ulg.ac.be 20. Dr. Erika Kothe Microbial Communication, Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy Friedrich Schiller University Erika.Kothe@uni/jena.de 21. Dr. Joanna C.Renshaw Centre for Radio chemistry Research, Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Oxford Road joanna.c.renshaw@man.ac.uk 22. Dr. Harald Oberegger Institut fur Molekular biologie Universitat. Innsbruck harald.oberegger@uibk.ac.at 23. Dr. Luis Antelo IBWF Institut fur Biotechnologie und Wirkstoff/Forschung antelo@ibwf.de 24. Dr. Katrin Eisfeld Institut fur Biotechnologie und Wirkstoff/Forschung e.V., Erwin/Schroedinger/Str. 56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany katei@gmx.de eisfeld@ibwf.de 25. Dr. Kai Welzela Department of Entomology, University of California, kwelz001@ucr.edu donghwan.choe@ucr.edu kwelz001@ucr.edu 26. Dr. Schrettl Markus Division of Molecular Biology markus.schrettl@i/med.ac.at 27. Dr. Zhiqiang An IMM SRB zhiqiang.an@uth.tmc.edu 28. Dr. Sally A. Leong Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin sal@plantpath.wisc.edu 29. Prof. J. McEvoy Cornell University mcevoyp@science.oregonstate.edu 30. Dr. Kurt Haselwandter Institut fur Mikrobiologie, Universitat Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse kurt.haselwandter@uibk.ac.at 31. Dr. G. Nicholson Department of Microbiology, University of Innsbruck g.nicholson@qut.edu.au 32. Dr. G. Winkelmann Institut fur Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie winkelmann@uni.tuebingen.de 33. Alvin L.Crumbliss Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, USA alvin.crumbliss@duke.edu 34. Dr. Alison Butler Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara butler@chem.ucsb.edu 35. Dr. Linda J.Johnson AgResearch Ltd., Grasslands Research Centre, Tennent Drive linda.johnson@agresearch.co.nz 36. Dr. Elzbieta Gumienna/Kontecka Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw elzbieta.gumienna/kontecka@chem.uni.wroc.pl 37. Dr. Jioji N.Tabudravu Marine Biodiscovery Centre, Department of Chemistry, University of Aberdeen j.tabudravu@abdn.ac.uk 38. Dr. David P. Nicolau Center for Anti/Infective Research and Development, Hartford Hospital Division of Infectious Diseases, Hartford Hospital, Hartford david.nicolau@hhchealth.org 39. Prof. Pascal Sonnet Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, Laboratoire de Glycochimie, des Antimicrobiens, et des Agroressources, UMR CNRS pascal.sonnet@u/picardie.fr 40. Prof. Jin/HwanKwak School of Life Science, Handong Global University, Pohang, Republic of Korea jhkwak@handong.edu 41. Prof. Owen W. Duckworth Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University owen_duckworth@ncsu.edu 42. Dr. Anna Maria Pirttila Department of Biology, University of Oulu am.pirttila@oulu.fi 43. Dr. Zhen/MingChi Unesco Chinese Center of Marine Biotechnology, Ocean University of China zhenming@sdu.edu.cn 44. Dr. Isabelle J. Schalk IREBS, ESBS, Blvd Sebastien Brant isabelle.schalk@unistra.fr 45. Prof. Shaojie Li State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Lisj@im.ac.cn 46. Dr. Bruno Giuliano Garisto Donzelli School of Integrative Plant Science / Plant Pathology and Plant/Microbe Biology Section bdd1@cornell.edu 47. Dr. Laura E.Birch Department of Biology, Clarke College, Iowa laura.birch@clarke.edu 48. Dr. MacitIlkit Division of Mycology, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Cukurova, Adana milkit@cu.edu.tr
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