The field of neocortical neurogenesis in development and evolution has recently gained much increasing attention in the scientific community. This books presents a multidisciplinary and comprehensive summary on the development and evolution of one of the youngest parts of our brain - the neocortex. An essential foundation underlying neocortex function is neurogenesis, a complex process in which the generation of neurons from cortical stem and progenitor cells (cSPCs) has a central role, but which also comprises subsequent steps such as the migration of newborn neurons to the appropriate neuronal layer of the six-layered neocortex. Topics inherent to, or related to, neocortical neurogenesis furthermore include (i) cell lineages within the various cSPCs and from cSPCs to neurons, (ii) the generation of the diverse types of neurons, (iii) the specification of cortical regions, (iv) cortical folding, and (v) cortical malformations. It is precisely these issues that this book addresses. Also in the overall light of evolution and its implications.
Cortical Progenitors and Germinal Zones 1 Neural stem cells as glia. 2 Diversity and evolution of human cortical progenitor cell types. 3 Intermediate progenitors in neocortical development and evolution. 4 Area V1 development, a model system to link corticogenesis to adult cortex structure and function? 5 Neocortical neurogenesis in amniote evolution. 6 Dynamic transcriptional control of neural stem cells. 7 Mechanical and physical interactions involving neocortical progenitor cells. 8 The role of human-specific genes and amino acid substitutions for neocortex expansion and modern human vs. Neanderthal differences in neocortical neurogenesis. Progenitor Lineages 9 Temporal scaling: a link between conserved neurogenic processes and differential size in mammalian cortical development. 10 Interplay of cell-autonomous gene function and tissue-wide mechanisms regulating radial glial progenitor lineage progression. Generation of Neuron Types 11 Generation of projection neuron diversity in the neocortex: from embryos to organoids. 12 Development of cortical neuron heterogeneity and impact of neurodevelopmental disorders. 13 Developmental and evolutionary origins of cortical projection neuron identity and connectivity. 14 Intrinsic and input-dependent development of cortical neuron types. 15 Corpus callosum evolution and development. 16 Towards the transcriptionally-based classification of L6b in the adult mouse brain. Neuron Migration 17 Cortical neuron migration in health and disease. 18 The emerging roles of LIS1 biomechanics in cellular and cortical homeostasis. Neural Patterning, Specification of Cortical Regions 19 Understanding human forebrain morphogenesis and early expansion using organoids. 20 Early neuronal differentiation/patterning of the human pallium, modeling by in vitro systems, and disruption in developmental disorders. 21 Mammalian cortical regional specification. 22 Development of the neocortical area map. Cortical Folding 23 Old models know wrinkles best -- A critical review on the mechanisms of cortical gyrification 24 Investigation of the mechanisms underlying the development and evolution of the cerebral cortex using gyrencephalic ferrets. Cortical Development: Variations, Disorders and Malformations 25 Genetic variation altering cortical progenitor function leads to human brain evolution and interindividual differences in human brain structure. 26 Human neocortical evolution and neurological disorders 27 Clinical and molecular overview of cortical malformations. Overarching Topics 28 Post-transcriptional control of brain development. 29 Regulation of mRNA localization and translation in brain development: Implications for the mechanism leading to the brain evolution and pathogenesis. 30 The roles of signal transduction during cortical neurogenesis. 31 Centrosome regulation and function in the developing neocortex. 32 Keeping the cortex afloat: Cerebrospinal fluid contributions to cerebral cortical development. 33 Comparative cognitive neuroscience and dorsal and ventral streams in primates.
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