This book presents selected contributions from ICMFM XX and the Polish National Conference—KKMP. The XX International Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals (ICMFM XX) was organized on 15–17 September 2021, in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, in Wrocław City, Poland, in a remote form. Its aim was to facilitate and encourage the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the different communities involved in both basic and applied research in the field of fatigue of metals, looking at the problem of fatigue from a multiscale perspective, and exploring analytical and numerical simulative approaches, without losing the perspectives of the application. The Polish National Conference—KKMP 2021—was organized remotely with 50–80 prominent international participants from the fracture mechanics community.
Part I: Numerical Approaches Applied to Fatigue and Fracture Assessment.- Chapter 1. Numerical Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth in Different Welded Joint Zones (Simon Sedmak).- Chapter 2. Calculation of the Stress State in Coatings by Analytical and Numerical Methods Considering Thermal Loads (Ilmars Blumbergs).- Chapter 3. Numerical Simulation and Constructal Design Applied to Perforated Plate Subjected to Biaxial Buckling (Guilherme Ribeiro Baumgardt).- Chapter 4. Fatigue Damage Simulation of a Metal Sandwich Panel Under Four-Point Bending Conditions (S. Abdullah).- Chapter 5. Analysis of Pulse Load of a Steel Roller in the Numerical Simulation Method (Kayode Olaleye).- Part II: Fatigue and Fracture Assessment of Joints and Complex Structures.- Chapter 6. Fatigue Analysis of Thin-Walled Welded Hollow Section Joints (Jan Papuga).- Chapter 7. Analytical solutions of water hammer in metal pipes. Part I - Brief theoretical study (Kamil Urbanowicz).- Chapter 8. Analytical solutions of water hammer in metal pipes. Part II - Comparative study (Kamil Urbanowicz).- Chapter 9. Experimental And Theoretical Analysis of Hydraulic Cylinder Loads (Marek Lubecki).- Chapter 10. A new anti-fatigue design method for welded structures based on stiffness coordination strategy and its application (Suming Xie).- Chapter 11. Characterisation Of Multiaxial Strain Road Loads In Assessing The Durability Of Automotive Coil Spring (S.S.K. Singh).- Chapter 12. Identification of key fatigue welds of bogie welded frame (Suming Xie).- Chapter 13. Susceptibility of Steel Sucker Rods Operated in Oil Well to Environmentally-Assisted Fatigue (Olha Zvirko).- Chapter 14. Increasing the Durability of Critical Parts in Heavy-Duty Industrial Machines by Deep Cryogenic Treatment (Pavlo Krot).- Chapter 15. Risk-Based Inspection Strategies of Miter Gates Based on Structural Health Monitoring (Thuong Van Dang).- Chapter 16. Fatigue Behaviour of Re-Tightened Boldted Joints Affected by Vibration Induced Loosening (Baris Tanrikulu).- Chapter 17. Friction Resitances in Internal Gear Pump with Modified Sickle made of Plastic (Krzysztof Towarnicki).- Chapter 18. Defect Development in Ultrasupercritical Steam Turbine Rotors According to British Standards (Mariusz Banaszkiewicz).
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