i. Contributors ii. Foreword iii. Preface iv. Acknowledgements Part 1: Research design 1. Getting started in clinical education research Jennifer Routh and Robert K McKinley 2. Constructing a research question Megan Anakin, Joanne Robertson-Smith and Tim J Wilkinson 3. Clarifying research paradigms and design J. Cristian Rangel, Meredith Young and Lara Varpio 4. Using educational theory Clare Morris and Nick Schindler 5. Involving stakeholders Katherine A Moreau, Catherine Giroux and Kaylee Eady 6. Sampling and recruiting participants Jennifer Cleland, Kirsty Alexander and Amudha Poobalan 7. Conducting ethical research Anne-Marie Reid and Susan Jamieson Part 2: Evidence syntheses and mixed methods 8. Evidence syntheses: choosing an approach Catherine Giroux, Susanne Mak, Rebecca Ataman and Aliki Thomas 9. Evidence synthesis: key steps and design considerations Claire Duddy and Sophie Park 10. Realist research: unpicking the influence of context Claire Duddy and Geoff Wong 11. Mixed methods research: the sum is greater than the parts Catherine Scarff, Christy Noble, Koshila Kumar and Wendy Hu 12. Action research: improving clinical education programmes Janet Lefroy and Emma Collins 13. Online data collection: emerging possibilities Dominique Harz and Kristina Dzara Part 3: Qualitative research 14. Interviews and focus groups: guided conversations Lucy Wallis, Becky Petley and Rachel Locke 15. Visual elicitation: techniques for digging deeper in interviews Gerry J Gormley, Sayra Cristancho and Katherine Crook 16. Ethnography: sense and sensibilities in conducting fieldwork Lisa Dikomitis and Brianne Wenning 17. Narrative research: from the general to the particular Kathleen E Leedham-Green, Alexandra Wright, and Giskin Day 18. Approaches to thematic analysis: becoming a knowing researcher Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke 19. Behind the scenes of qualitative analysis: learning from new researchers struggles Anna de la Croix, Malou Stoffels and Jan Willem Grijpma Part 4: Quantitative research 20. Survey research: uses and misuses Patrick G. Corr, Radwa Aly and Anthony R Artino 21. Experimental methods: more than simply testing a hypothesis Peter Yeates and Rebecca Edwards 22. Statistical analysis: unpacking uncertainty Christy K. Boscardin, H. Carrie Chen and Justin L. Sewell 23. Big Data: where to start and what to expect Milou Silkens, Asta Medisauskaite and Chris McManus Part 5: Succeeding in clinical education research 24. Maximising opportunities and overcoming challenges Susil Pallikadavath and Simon Gay 25. Managing your project Michelle D Lazarus and Georgina C Stephens 26. Writing your dissertation Frederick Speyer, Ben Davies and Sarah Yardley 27. Writing for publication Amaya Ellawala and Aileen Barrett 28. Disseminating your findings Jonathan Guckian and Teresa Chan 29. Developing your career Gillian Vance, Sarah Simpson, Sue Jackson and Richard Conn Conclusion
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