Professor David Olive was a renowned British theoretical physicist who made seminal contributions to S-matrix theory, superstrings, gauge theories and mathematical physics. He was awarded the Dirac Medal by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste in 1997, with his long-standing collaborator Peter Goddard. David Olive was a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Founding Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales. David Olive has been known to his students and colleagues for his clear style of writing and engagement with topics of central relevance to theoretical physics. These lecture notes delivered by David Olive in 1982 provide a very pedagogical and clear introduction to gauge theories, Lie algebras and integrable models. Given the recent discovery of the Higgs particle, these notes were well ahead of its time and are still valuable to any graduate student and researcher in quantum field theory.
Abelian Gauge Theory; Non-Abelian Gauge theory; The Adjoint Representation; SU(2) Gauge Theory; Four Dimensional Euclidean Yang–Mills Theory; Global Aspects of Gauge Theory; Essentials of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras; The Cartan Subalgebra, Step Operators and Roots; The Cartan–Weyl Basis and the Weyl Group; Weyl Reflections; Weyl Chambers and Simple Roots; From Lie Algebras and Cartan Matrices to Dynkin Diagrams, SU(n); Dynkin Diagrams of SO(n) and Sp(2n); Reconstruction of the Root System from Dynkin Diagrams; Further Constraints on Dynkin Diagrams, Exceptional Lie Algebras; Lax Pair for the Toda Molecule Equation; Lax Pairs, Zero-curvature Condition and Gauge Theory; Toda Systems, an Overview; Symmetry Breaking in Gauge Theories, the Higgs Mechanism; The Mass Term for Gauge Particles; Topological Objects in Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theories; Higgs Fields in the Adjoint Representation; Monopole versus Gauge Field Masses; Extra Dimensions and Symmetry Breaking via a Higgs Field in the Adjoint Representation; Charge Quantization, Masses of Gauge Fields and Dual Lie Algebras; Representation Theory; Finite Dimensional Irreducible Representations; Quadratic Casimir Operators and Weyl Characters; Lax Pair as Zero-curvature Condition Solutions to Toda Equations; Toda Molecule Equations and Spherically Symmetric Self-dual Monopoles; Maximal Embedding, Reduction of the Bogomolny to the Toda Equation
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