Organic (opto)electronic materials have received considerable attention due to their applications in perovskite and flexible electronics, OPVs and OLEDs and many others. Reflecting the rapid growth in research and development of organic (opto)electronic materials over the last few decades, World Scientific Handbook of Organic Optoelectronic Devices provides a comprehensive coverage of the state-of-the-art in an accessible format. It presents the most widely recognized fundamentals, principles, and mechanisms along with representative examples, key experimental data, and over 200 illustrative figures.
Volume 3: OLEDs (Dongge Ma): Efficient Non-doped Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens (Yinghao Li, Jingjing Guo, Zujin Zhao, and Ben Zhong Tang); Boron-Containing Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Materials for High-Efficiency OLEDs (Seob Park and Takuma Yasuda); Exciton Managements of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Materials for Organic Light-Emitting Devices (Guohua Xie and Chuluo Yang); Phosphorus-Containing Organic Semiconductors for Electroluminescence (Chunbo Duan and Hui Xu); Insertion Layer Energy Level Alignment and Engineering in Organic Light Emitting Diode (Dongmei Niu and Yongli Gao); Manipulating Electronic Processes at Organic Heterojunctions for Ultralow Voltage OLEDs (Shou-Jie He and Zheng-Hong Lu); White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (Lian Duan); Effect of Refractive Index on Light Out-coupling Efficiency in OLEDs (Amin Salehi, Dong-Hun Shin, and Franky So); Application of Conducting Polymers for Optical Out-coupling of OLEDs (Chung-Chih Wu and Min Jiao); Exploring Device Physics in OLEDs via Magneto-electroluminescence Study (Feng Li and Qiming Peng); Radical-based Light-Emitting Diodes (RLEDs) with Doublet Emission (Feng Li and Xin Ai); Alternating Current (AC)-Driven Organic Light-Emitting Devices (Yonghua Chen and Dongge Ma); High Performance Blue Fluorescence OLEDs (Dongge Ma); Volume 4: Flexible Bioelectronics (Taewoo Lee): Introduction to Flexible Bioelectronics (Ying Chen, Yu Yan, Lanlan Liu, Kunwei Zheng, Yizhou Qi, Jun Ai, Qiqi Fu, Qifeng Du, Tao Zhou, Ruitao Tang, Bocheng Zhang, Jianliang Xiao, Haoran Fu, and Xue Feng); Flexible Bioelectronics to Healthcare Monitoring Applications (Ying Chen, Yu Yan, Lanlan Liu, Kunwei Zheng, Yizhou Qi, Jun Ai, Qiqi Fu, Qifeng Du, Tao Zhou, Ruitao Tang, Bocheng Zhang, Jianliang Xiao, Haoran Fu, and Xue Feng); Wearable Sensors for Healthcare Monitoring and Soft Robotics (Moo Yeol Lee, Cheol Hee Park, Hae Rang Lee, Hong Ki Kim, and Joon Hak Oh); Electronic Skin (Benjamin C-K Tee); Flexible Ionic Tactile Sensors for Artificial Skin (Do Hwan Kim); Flexible/Stretchable Biosensors and Bio-inspired Sensors (Anneng Yang and Feng Yan); Flexible and Stretchable Organic Biosensors (Yongcao Zhang and Cunjiang Yu); Organic-Based Biophotonic Devices (Ramakant Sharma, Jaehyeok Park, Hyeonwoo Lee, Jinouk Song, Hanul Moon, and Seunghyup Yoo); Bio-inspired Adhesives for Wearable Electronics (Heon Joon Lee, Sangyul Baik, and Changhyun Pang); Soft Bioelectronics based on Conductive Hydrogel (Yongseok Joseph Hong, Yoonsoo Shin, and Dae-Hyeong Kim); Organic Artificial Nerve Electronics (Gyeong-Tak Go, Dae-Gyo Seo, Yeongjun Lee, and Tae-Woo Lee); Tissue-Like Bioelectronics for Cyborg Engineering (Hao Sheng and Jia Liu); Biodegradable Organic Materials for Bioelectronics (Jio Kim, Yoon-Nam Kim, and Seung-Kyun Kang);
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