The proposed book titled as “Bioprospection of Coproducts and Agro-industrial Wastes: A Sustainable Biotechnological Approach”, seeks to offer the importance of the recycling, reuse of food residue, byproducts of fruits and agri-wastes to the academic community and industries. In developing countries facing malnutrition and environmental problems, this book would be very useful. The food waste and the residues resulting from this process are now becoming environmental problems. These mainly include leaves, stems, seeds, bark, and roots that have high nutritional value, many times even greater than the part usually consumed. It is a pressing priority to reuse and recycle the waste which is detrimental to the environment. This book would be an essential reading for students, researchers, and people from the food and pharma industry.
Bioprospecting of Co-Products and Agro-industrial Wastes: Opportunities and Challenges
Joilane Alves Pereira-Freire, Stella Regina Arcanjo Medeiros, Chistiane Mendes Feitosa, Jailane de Souza Aquino and Mahendra Rai
Technological Prospection for the Use of Food Plants with a Focus on the Food, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Industry
Tatiana de Oliveira Lemos
Technological Potential of Unconventional Food Plants (UFP)
Tatiana de Oliveira Lemos, Anida Maria Moraes Gomes, Bianca Almeida Souza, Brenda Paiva Campi Neves, Dárcia Souza Araújo, Djany Souza Silva, Elder dos Santos Araújo, Luana Costa de Souza and Mauriane Maciel da Silva
Biotechnological Applications of Flours and By-products of Mauritia flexuosa L. Fruits
Márcia Luiza dos Santos Beserra Pessoa, Ennya Cristina Pereira dos Santos Duarte, Thially Braga Gonçalves, Vivianne Rodrigues Amorim, Lívia Maria Nunes de Almeida, Carla Lorena Silva Ramos, Paulo Michel Pinheiro Ferreira and Joilane Alves Pereira-Freire
Sustainable Use of Food Waste in the Preparation of Biodegradable Packaging for the Food Industry
Alyandra de Sousa Nascimento, Maria Crisnanda Almeida Marquesa, Patrícia e Silva Alves, Maria das Dores Alves de Oliveira and Chistiane Mendes Feitosa
Edible Films and Coatings: Raw Material, Properties, and its Application in Food
Gabriela Almeida de Paula, Sandra Helena de Mesquita Pinheiro, Lindalva de Moura Rocha, Ronnyely Suerda Cunha Silva, Whellyda Katrynne Silva Oliveira, Francisco Eduardo Pereira Rocha, José Ribeiro dos Santos Júnior and Erivan Santos Lima
Perspectives For Using the Fruits of Cacti from the Caatinga of Piauí For Nutritional and Biotechnological Purposes
Tamiris Ramos Silva, Tiago Soares, Mariany
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