This book addresses a broad range of issues related to mental health in higher education in Australia, with specific reference to student and staff well-being. It examines the challenges of creating and sustaining more resilient cultures within higher education and the community. Showcasing some of Australia’s unique experiences, the authors present a multidisciplinary perspective of mental health supports and services relevant to the higher education landscape. This book examines the different ways Australian higher education institutions responded/are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, with reference to domestic and international students. Through the exploration of practice and research, the authors add to the rich discourses on well-being in the higher education.
Part 1: An evolving higher education landscape in Australia including institutional and curriculum responses.-Chapter 1. Introduction ( Abraham Francis).-Chapter 2. 2. Developing a University Mental Health Framework for Australia (Vivienne Browne and Penny Carlson).-Chapter 3. COVID-19 and the Changing Higher Education Landscape (Margaret Anne Carter, Vicki Hutton, Hyacinth Udah and Abraham P. Francis).- Cultural Partnership Practice and Mental Health in Higher Education (Narayan Gopalkrishnan and Hurriyet Babacan).-Chapter 5. Investigating whether law schools in the UK and Australia are workplaces that support the Wellbeing of law teachers. (Rachael Field, Caroline Strevens and Colin James).-Chapter 6. Creating Humanistic teaching approaches and developing pedagogical partnerships in promoting wellbeing in Higher Education (Mark David Chong, Abraham P Francis, , Margaret Anne Carter, and Frank Baffour).-Chapter 7. Student support in rural medical education: What does evidence-based practice look like? (Anna Kokavec, Jane Harte and Simone Ross).- Part 2: Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives.-Chapter 8. Exploring Visual Art Students’ Wellbeing: A Multi-level Research Approach (Eileen Siddins). –Chapter 9. Reimagining higher education curricula for creative and performing artists: creating more resilient and industry-ready graduates (Ryan Daniel).-Chapter 10. Embedding an Aboriginal wellbeing intervention in Australian social work curriculum (Fiona Gardner, Mary Whiteside, Rachael Sanders).-Chapter 11. Promoting the mental wellbeing of law students through the curriculum and communities of practice (Dr. Ozlem Susler and Alperhan Babacan).- Chapter 12. How Perfectionism, Procrastination and Parenting Styles Impact Students Mental Health And How Mindfulness And Self-Compassion May Be The Antidote (Kaz Mitchell).- Chapter 13. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the higher education arrangements and mental well-being of students: A review (Saradamoyee Chatterjee).- Part 3: Community Initiatives, Responses and Ways Forward .-Chapter 14. The Impact of Relationship Issues on the Mental Health of Students in Higher Education (Raquel Peel
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