As a media franchise, the film Alien has enjoyed a large and devoted fanbase for over four decades. This new book engages with the franchise in all its forms: not just the original film, but its sequels, prequels, and multimedia offshoots like comic books, audiobooks, action figures and videogames, to offer fresh perspectives on the Alien universe. What is it about Alien that still fascinates audiences, and why does it still matter so many years after its birth?
Foreword; Robert Kolker; 1. Introduction; Nathan Abrams and Gregory Frame; 2. Boundaries of Viscerality: A sense of abjection regarding the perfect organism; Sara Louise Wheeler; 3. Fractal Patterns out of Chaos in Ridley Scott’s Alien, Prometheus and Covenant; Carrie Lynn Evans; 4. The Progeny of H.R. Giger; Christopher L. Robinson; 5. The Unescapable Labyrinth: Archetypal Retrogression and Aesthetic Rigidity in Alien3; Kenneth Sloane; 6. Building Better Worlds: The Rise of Alien’s Online Marketing Campaigns; Kim Walden; 7. What The Hell Is That?: A Transmedial approach to Taxonomic Ambiguity and Horror Affect in the Alien franchise; Zoe N. Wible; 8. From Personal Files to Blueprints: Exploring the Alien Universe through Epistolary Paratexts; Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen; 9. Must be a chick thing: Ripley, the Alien franchise and the Female Gothic; Frances A. Kamm; 10. Making the Mother: Pro/Creation and Female Agency in the Alien Series; Jonathan A. Rose and Florian Zitzelsberger; 11. Melodrama of the Unknown Woman Lost in Space: A Cavellian Reading of the Alien Franchise; Mario Slugan; 12. Remediating Ripley: Negotiating the Patriarchal Gaze in the Alien Franchise Video Games; Bronwyn Miller; 13. Hissing in the Airvents: Decoding the Narrative-Verse of Alien: Isolation (2014); Reuben Martens
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