This contributed volume describes management practices based on interdisciplinary and convergence science approaches from different disciplines of agricultural science to enhance the resilience of dryland agriculture. The main focus of this book is to address the current issues and trends along with future prospects and challenges in adopting salient agricultural management practices in drylands globally under a climate-change scenario. Climate change and global warming have profound repercussions on increasing frequency, severity, and duration of droughts and/or floods, which may have implications for future productivity of dryland agriculture, e.g., more water shortages or abundances and high or low runoff rates, diminished crop yields, and reduced water productivity. In past few years, many technological advancements and management strategies have been evolved to tackle the climate-induced risks of dryland agriculture considering interdisciplinary and convergence approaches that integrate knowledge from multi-disciplines. This book is an attempt to bridge the gap in literature by unraveling controversies and characteristics of dryland ecosystems under the changing climate and dealing with detailed procedures of applying the advanced practices adapted to climate change for management of dryland agriculture. This edited book is of interest to ecologists, economists, environmentalists, geologists, horticulturalists, hydrologists, soil scientists, social scientists, natural resource conservationists and policy makers dealing with dryland agriculture. This book offers a broad understanding of dryland agriculture and assists the reader to identify both the current as well as the probable future state of dryland agriculture in a global context.
1. Drylands: An Introduction.- 2. Current state and prediction of future global climate change and variability in terms of CO2 levels and temperature.- 3. Vulnerability of dryland agriculture over non-dryland agriculture toward the changing climate.- 4. Climate risk management in dryland agriculture: Technological management and institutional options to adaptation.- 5. Achieving land degradation neutrality to combat the impacts of climate change.- 6. Establishing linkages among changes in land-use, vegetation and crop lands to arrest soil erosion and desertification.- 7. Management of salt-affected soils for increasing crop productivity.- 8. Role of water harvesting and supplemental irrigation in enhancing agriculture productivity of dryland under climate change.- 9. Assessment and management of soil and water erosion in dryland ecosystem.- 10. Advances in micro-irrigation practices for improving water use efficiency in dryland agriculture.- 11. Enhancing agricultural water productivity using deficit irrigation practices in water Scarce regions.- 12. Meta-analysis studies emphasizing activities related to natural resources management for imparting resilience to dryland agriculture.- 13. Soil organic carbon sequestration in dryland soils to alleviate impacts of climate change.- 14. Soil Inorganic Carbon in drylands: An unsung player in climate change mitigation.- 15. Remediation of polluted soils for managing toxicity stress in crops of dryland ecosystems.- 16. Fertilizer management in dryland cultivation for getting stable crop yields.- 17. Development of a successful integrated farming system model for livelihood sustenance of dry land farmers.- 18. Unlocking potential of dryland horticulture in climate-resilient farming.- 19. Genetically-modified crops and crop species adapted to global warming in dry regions.- 20. Weed Management in Dryland Agriculture.- 21. Insect and Pest Management for sustaining crop production under changing climatic patterns of drylands.- 22. Potential effects of future climate changes in pest scenario.- 23. Impact of climate change on plant viral diseases.- 24. Adaptation Strategies for Protected Cultivation under Changing Climate Patterns in Dry Regions.- 25. Organic farming: prospects and challenges in drylands.- 26. Biochemical and Molecular aspects for plant improvement under climate stress.- 27. Understanding linkages between livestock sensitivity and climate variability in drylands for developing appropriate management strategies.- 28. Grass-legume intercropping for enhancing quality fodder production in drylands.- 29. Economic analysis of sustainable dryland agriculture practices.- 30. Adoption of Sustainable Dryland Technologies for Improving Livelihood of Farmers in Developing Countries.- 31. Challenges and Prospects in managing dry land agriculture under climate change scenario.- 32. Adaptive Resilience: Sustaining Dryland Agriculture the pastoralist way.- 33. Resource Conserving Mechanization Technologies for Dryland Agriculture.- 34. Agricultural mechanization for efficient utilization of input resources to improve crop production in arid region.
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