In the last two years, consumers have experienced massive changes in consumption – whether due to shifts in habits; the changing information landscape; challenges to their identity, or new economic experiences of scarcity or abundance. What can we expect from these experiences? How are the world’s leading thinkers applying both foundational knowledge and novel insights as we seek to understand consumer psychology in a constantly changing landscape? And how can informed readers both contribute to and evaluate our knowledge? This handbook offers a critical overview of both fundamental topics in consumer psychology and those that are of prominence in the contemporary marketplace, beginning with an examination of individual psychology and broadening to topics related to wider cultural and marketplace systems. The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology, 2nd edition, will act as a valuable guide for teachers and graduate and undergraduate students in psychology, marketing, management, economics, sociology, and anthropology.
Introduction; 1. Attitudinal advocacy: contemporary insights and new questions Mohamed A. Hussein and Zakary L. Tormala; 2. Storytelling and narrative persuasion Rebecca Krause-Galoni and Philip Mazzaocco; 3. Consumer goals and motivation Jessica Gamlin and Maferima Touré-Tillery; 4. Consumer financial decision making Abigail B. Sussman, Yusu Wang and Anastasiya Apalkova; 5. Marketplace morality Saerom Lee and Karen Page Winterich; 6. A triadic framework of luxury consumption David Dubois and SungJin Jang; 7. Consumer identity Julian K. Saint Clair; 8. Compensatory consumption Naomi Mandel, Monika Lisjack and Qin Wang; 9. Artificial intelligence and consumer psychology TaeWoo Kim and Adam Duhachek; 10. Interpersonal influences in consumer psychology Rosellina Ferraro and Brent McFerran; 11. The psychology of consumer social hierarchy and rank signaling Derek D. Rucker and Adam D. Galinsky; 12. Political ideology and consumer psychology Nailya Ordabayeva, Aylin Cakalar and Daniel Fernandes; 13. Religion and consumer psychology Eugenia Wu and Keisha Cutright; 14. The psychology of consumer dignity Tom Wein, Sakshi Ghai, Cait Lamberton, and Neela A. Saldanha; 15. The psychology of shared consumption Peggy J. Liu and Theresa A. Kwon; 16. The psychology of access-based consumption Varala Maraj and Fleura Bardhi; 17. Word-of-mouth and consumer psychology Sarah Moore and Katie Lafreniere; 18. Consumer culture Ela Veresiu; 19. Field studies in consumer psychology Minah Jung; 20. MTurk and online panel research Joseph K. Goodman and Scott A. Wright; 21. Meta-analysis: assessing heterogeneity using traditional and contemporary approaches Blakeley B. McShane and Ulf Böckenholt; 22. Netnography for consumer psychologists Robert V. Kozinets; 23. A recipe for honest consumer research Stijn M. J. van Osselaer and Chris Janiszewski.
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