In the practice of cytopathology, cytologists frequently encounter a spectrum of benign, normal cells in samples. In fact, these normal cells frequently comprise the greatest proportion of material present on a cytology slide. This is frequently the case in Pap smears of the uterine cervix , urine samples, and lung samples such as bronchial brushings. Normal cytology can often mimic pathology leading to misdiagnoses, especially in cases with reactive and metaplastic changes. Moreover, cytopathology findings of certain neoplasms can also mimic normal cytology.
Today, cytology laboratories are no longer confined to dealing with just exfoliative specimens and superficial aspirations. With interventional radiology as well as endobronchial and endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirations (FNA), we increasingly encounter visceral samples. Hence, cytologists are even likely to encounter normal elements from deep-seated organs. Sometimes, unexpected normal elements may be found within cytology specimens because a FNA procedure has contamination or inadvertently sampled a nearby organ or normal anatomical structure. A typical example is the finding of ganglion cells when a FNA is performed targeting a celiac node for cancer staging (Elgarby EA et al. Frequency and characterization of celiac ganglia diagnosed on fine-needle aspiration. Cytojournal. 2015; 12:4).