There is widespread acknowledgement among anthropologists, archaeologists, ethnobotanists, as well as researchers in related disciplines that specific foods and cuisines are linked very strongly to the formation and maintenance of cultural identity and ethnicity. Strong associations of foodways with culture are particularly characteristic of South American Andean cultures. Food and drink convey complex social and cultural meanings that can provide insights into regional interactions, social complexity, cultural hybridization, and ethnogenesis. This edited volume presents novel and creative anthropological, archaeological, historical, and iconographic research on Andean food and culture from diverse temporal periods and spatial settings. The breadth and scope of the contributions provides original insights into a diversity of topics, such as the role of food in Andean political economies, the transformation of foodways and cuisines through time, and ancient iconographic representations of plants and animals that were used as food. Thus, this volume is distinguished from most of the published literature in that specific foods, cuisines, and culinary practices are the primary subject matter through which aspects of Andean culture are interpreted.
An Introduction to Andean Foodways: Pre/Columbian, Colonial, and Contemporary Food and Culture. Susan D. deFrance and John E. Staller Part I: Pre/Columbian Foods and Cultures: Ancient Culinary and Ritual Practices 1. Grilling Clams and Roasting Tubers: Andean Maritime Foodways during the Second Millennium BC Gabriel Prieto 2. Camelids as Food and Wealth: Emerging Political and Moral Economies of the Recuay Culture Lau, George 3. Feast, Food and Drinking on a Paracas platform, Chincha Valley, Southern Peruvian Coast Henry Tantalean and Alexis Rodriguez 4. Cuisine and Social Differentiation in the Late Pre/Hispanic Cajamarca Highlands of Northern Peru Jason L. Toohey 5. Ancient Paria, Bolivia: Macrobotanical Remains Recovered from an Administrative Site on the Royal Inca Highway Renee M. Bonzani Part II. Ethnoarchaeological and Experimental Approaches to Chicha Production 6. Identification of Chicha de Maiz through Starch Analysis: New Experimental Evidence Crystal A. Dozier and Justin Jennings 7. Ancient Wari Women, Megalith Grinding Stones, and Chicha Production: Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Linguistic Observations Ann O. Laffey and Justino Llanque Chana Part III: Food and Drink in Andean Imagery and Iconography 8. Sustainable Resources in Pre/Hispanic Coastal Ecuador: The Associated Iconography and Symbolism Cesar Ivan Veintimilla Bustamante and Mariella Garcia Caputi 9. The Achumera: Gender, Status, and the San Pedro Cactus in Moche Ceramic Art Sarah Scher 10. The Symbolic Value of Food in Moche Iconography Margaret Jackson Part IV: Foodways under Spanish Colonial Rule: Indigenous Customs and Colonial Transformations 11. Imperial Appetites and Altered States: The Transformation of the Inca Heartland R. Alan Covey 12. Stimulant and Alcoholic Beverages among Hispanic and Indigenous Cultures in the Real Audiencia de Quito in late Colonial Period Juan Martinez Borrero 13. Guinea Pigs in the Colonial Andes: The Transformation of a Food and Sacrificial Animal into a Pet Susan D. deFrance 14. Introduced Species as Food Heritage in Humahuaca Ravine, Jujuy Province, Argentina D. Alejandra Lambare, Nilda D. Vignale, and Maria Lelia Pochettino 15. Maize in Andean Food and Culture: Interdisciplinary Approaches John E. Staller Part V: Contemporary Foodways in the Andean World: Modern Culinary, Economic, and Ritual Transformations 16. Commercializing the "Lost Crop of the Inca": "Quinoa and the Politics of Agrobiodiversity in "Traditional" Crop Commercialization Emma McDonell 17. Pachamanca: A Celebration of Food and the Earth Matthew P. Sayre and Silvana A. Rosenfeld
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