The Malay/Muslim community, comprising approximately 13% of Singapore’s population, is an integral part of modern Singapore’s formative years. The community has come a long way and accomplished plenty. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong lauded the community’s growth and its efforts in nation-building in the 2015 National Day Rally,
"The Malay/Muslim community is an integral part of Singapore ... and they have contributed significantly to our nation’s harmony and progress."
50 Years of Malay/Muslim Community in Singapore highlights the progress, the contributions and the challenges of the community for the past 50 years since Singapore’s independence in 1965. While progress is significant, challenges remain an uphill battle towards a comprehensive community development. As the book narrates stories from the past — the successes and the challenges — it is also important for the community to reflect and to look ahead — Majulah!
Introduction (Zainul Abidin Rasheed); Progressive Malay/Muslim Singaporeans: The Thoughts of Yusof Ishak (Norshahril Saat); Pak Zubir the Conservator of the Malay Identity (Translated) (Norshahril Saat); Pak Zubir Said and Majulah Singapura ? The National Anthem of Singapore (Joseph Peters); Yaacob Ibrahim ? In Conversation (Zainul Abidin Rasheed and Norshahril Saat); Singapore Malay Identity 50 Years after Independence (Translated)( Masagos Zulkifli); Malay Education from 1959 to 2014: The Roots of the Formation of MENDAKI (Wan Hussin Zoohri); Genesis of MENDAKI and Milestones (Tuminah Sapawi); Towards SG100: AMP and the Idea of Collective Leadership (Yang Razali Kassim); Keeping the Faith While Looking Forward ? Shaikh Syed Isa Semait, Mufti of Singapore from 1972 to 2010 (Zakir Hussain); Muslim Institutions with Statutory Powers in Singapore: A Brief Study of the Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA) (Alfian Yasrif Kuchit); Living as Faithful Muslims in Secular Singapore (Mohammad Alami Musa); The Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG): A Community-Government Partnership in Fighting Terrorism (Mohamed Ali); From Success to Significance: A Personal Reflection along the Journey of Religious Leadership (Mohammad Hannan Hassan); Malay/Muslim Community?s Economic Development ? An Interview (Sani Hamid); The Role of Berita Harian in the Development of Malay Community in Singapore (Mohamed Guntor Sadali); Sayang Anakku Sayang (My Beloved Child) (Sharifah Mariam Aljunied); Cikgu Muhammad Ariff Ahmad (Mohd Raman Daud); In Search for Canon of Singapore Malay Poetry: Reflection on Nature, Race, Religion and Love (Hadijah Rahmat); Literature for Dignified Presence Singapore Malay Literature in Resisting Cultural Amnesia (Azhar Ibrahim); The Malay Heritage Foundation (Julina Khusaini)
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