This edited bookexamines language perceptions and practices in multilingual university contexts in the aftermath of recent theoretical developments questioning the conceptualization of language as a static entity, drawing on case studies from different Northern European contexts in order to explore the effects of phenomena including internationalization, widening participation, and migration patterns on language attitudes and ideologies. The book provides cutting-edge perspectiveson language uses in NorthernEuropean universities by drawing attention to the multiplicity of language practices alongside the prominence of English in international study programmes and research publication.It will be of interest to students and scholars ofmultilingualism, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, and education, as well as language policymakers.
Chapter 1: Introduction- Language Perceptions and Practices in Multilingual Universities (Maria Kuteeva, Kathrin Kaufhold and Niina Hynninen). Part I: Tensions Between Monolingualism and Multilingualism on the National and Institutional Level).- Chapter 2: If Not English, Then What? Unpacking Language Hierarchies at University (Maria Kuteeva).- Chapter 3: Multilingualism as Problem or Resource? Negotiating Space for Languages Other than Swedish and English in University Language Planning (MarieKällkvist and Francis M. Hult).- Chapter 4: Tensions on Finnish Constitutional Bilingualism in Neo-Nationalist Times: Constructions of Swedish in Monolingual and Bilingual Contexts (Taina Saarinen).- Chapter 5: Redesigning the Curriculum to Develop Multilingual Academic Literacies: An Analysis of Language Conceptualizations (Juha Jalkanen and Tarja Nikula).- Chapter 6: University Branding and the Internationalization of Higher Education in the Baltic States: the Role of Language (Josep Soler).- Part II: Stakeholders in Multilingual Universities: Students.- Chapter 7: Language Ideologies and the Experiences of International Students (Deborah C. Clarke).- Chapter 8: ’I Need to Know This in Swedish Because It’s the Kärnspråk’: Language Ideologies and Practices of Multilingual Students (Kathrin Kaufhold and Jeanna Wennerberg).- Chapter 9: Plurilingual Students in EMI: Perceptions of Educational Democracy and Linguistic Justice (Robert Wilkinson and RenéGabriëls).- Chapter 10: English at the University of Iceland: Students’ Perceptions and Practices (BirnaArnbjörnsdóttir).- Part III: Stakeholders in Multilingual Universities: Academic and Administrative Staff.- Chapter 11: Disrupting Dual Monolingualisms? Language Ideological Ordering in an Internationalising Swedish University (Luke Holmes).- Chapter 12: Perceptions of Language (Mis)fit at a Multilingual Workplace: the Case of the University of Vaasa (MariaJärlström, Rebecca Piekkari, Nina Pilke and Hanna Turpeinen).- Chapter 13: Researchers’ Language Practices Concerning Knowledge Production and Dissemination: Discourses of Mono- and Multilingualism (Niina Hynninen and Maria Kuteeva).- Chapter 14: Language Assessment of EMI Content Teachers: What Norms (Slobodanka Dimova).- Chapter 15: Epilogue- Multilingualism in Northern European Universities: Reflections from the South (David Lasagabaster and Aintzane Doiz).
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