The workforce is changing and talent management is more important than ever. Recruitment and Selection: Strategies for Workforce Planning & Assessment unpacks best practices for designing, implementing, and evaluating strategies for hiring the right people. Using a proven job analysis framework, author Carrie A. Picardi uses her academic and industry experience to teach students how to assess candidates in an accurate, legal, and ethical manner. With clarity and relevance, this book truly bridges theory and concept with practice in an engaging manner and will benefit students who need to hit the ground running to successfully manage workforce needs and activities in a myriad professional settings.
Preface \\ Acknowledgments \\ About the Author \\ 1. Introduction to Workforce Planning and Assessment \\ What is “Work”? The Organization of Work and Jobs \\ The Evolution of Work Structure \\ Organizing the Work: Jobs and Job Families \\ The Logistics of Work \\ Strategic Job Redesign and Its Benefits \\ The Role of Human Resources in Workforce Planning and Assessment \\ Organizational Best Practices: Spotlight on Job Rotation at HSBC \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ 2. Legal Compliance and Ethical Considerations \\ Legal Compliance in Workforce Employment Decisions \\ U.S. Legislation and Equal Employment Opportunity \\ Assessment of Legal Compliance in Workforce Employment Decisions \\ Ethical Employment Considerations \\ Organizational Best Practices: Embracing Workforce Diversity at MasterCard \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ 3. Job Analysis and Design \\ Phase 1: Identify the Job to Examine \\ Phase 2: Determine Appropriate Information Sources and Collect Job-Related Data \\ Phase 3: Organize and Analyze Data \\ Organizational Best Practices: Discovering Data in New Places—Job Analysis Leverages Social Networking Tools \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ 4. Job Description and Competency Model Development \\ Job Descriptions in a Perfect World \\ Job Description Structure and Format \\ Competency Models \\ Organizational Best Practices: Examining Global Leader Competencies at McKinsey & Company \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ 5. Job Evaluation \\ The Job Evaluation Process \\ Step 1: Obtain Job KSAOs, Qualifications, Working Conditions, and Essential Duties \\ Step 2: Examine Compensable Factors Using the Rating/Weighting Evaluation Method \\ Step 3: Add Factor Points Together to Determine Overall Job Value \\ Spotlight on Hay Group—Pioneer in Job Evaluation \\ Determining Compensation using Job Evaluation Data \\ Legal and Ethical Considerations for Job Evaluation \\ Organizational Best Practices: Behind the Scenes of an Online Salary Survey—Payscale’s Data Methodology \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ 6. Recruitment Strategy \\ Factors Affecting Recruitment \\ Recruitment Strategy: An Internal Approach \\ Recruitment Strategy: An External Approach \\ Recruitment Legal and Ethical Considerations \\ Organizational Best Practices: Groupon’s Innovative Recruitment and Its People Blog \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ 7. Selection and Interview Strategy \\ Interview Strategy and Process \\ Developing Effective Interviewers \\ Legal and Ethical Considerations in the Interview Process \\ Organizational Best Practices: A Holistic Interview Process at Whole Foods Market \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ 8. Selection: Simulations and Assessment Centers \\ Simulations \\ Assessment Centers \\ Legal and Ethical Considerations for Simulations and Assessment Centers \\ Organizational Best Practices: Spotlight on Vodafone’s Assessment Center Strategy \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ 9. Selection: Employment Testing \\ History of Testing in Occupational Selection \\ Assessment of Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities \\ Personality Assessment \\ Honesty and Integrity Assessment \\ Administration of Tests and Assessments \\ Test Score Interpretation for Selection Decision Making \\ Validity and Reliability of Testing Measures \\ Legal and Ethical Issues of Employment Testing \\ Organizational Best Practices: Identifying Strengths and Talents, the Facebook Way \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ 10. Making the Hire—Final Assessment of Candidate–Job Fit \\ Biodata and Application Forms \\ Spotlight on Technology: Implications of Using Social Media Content in Hiring Decisions \\ Background Checks \\ Reference Checks \\ Preemployment Testing \\ Making a Job Offer \\ A Final Word: Transitioning from Job Candidate to Employee \\ Organizational Best Practices: Technology-Driven Reference Checks? There’s an App for That \\ Chapter Summary \\ Key Terms \\ Appendix \\ Glossary \\ References \\ Index
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