The topics of bullying and hazing have sparked interest and discussion in recent years. Hazing is a crime in the United States, and Western nations have made efforts to stamp out bullying in schools, the workplace, and institutions. However, for the most part, bullying and hazing are ill-defined and lack theoretical perspective. Mestrovic brings classical as well as contemporary social theory to bear on this discussion. Thorstein Veblen defined the predatory barbarian as the social type, enshrined by modernity, who prefers to use force over peacable means to achieve ends. On the other extreme, Marcel Mauss wrote about the spirit of the gift and its obligations - to give, to receive, and to reciprocate - as the fundamental basis of social life. Yet, he argued that the spirit of modernity was disappearing with the progress of modernity. Mestrovic traces this fundamental opposition between barbaric force or bullying versus benign obligation that is the spirit of the gift through a host of modernist and postmodernist thinkers and theories. He introduces the concept of the ?postemotional bully? as an alternative to both of these major bodies of social theory. The postemotional bully, as a social type, is fungible, beset by screen-images on media and social media that are isolating, and is at the mercy of the peer-group. Case studies focus on bullying and hazing, specifically the cases of an American solider who committed suicide in Afghanistan, instances of torture at Abu Ghraib, and the murder of a 23-year-old African-American inmate in a Southern state prison in the US.
CHAPTER: 1 THE PROBLEM \\ Defining bullying \\ Force versus obligation: Revisiting Marcel Mauss?s The Gift \\ The forced gift?the connection to bullying \\ CHAPTER 2: MODERNITY AS A BULLY \\ Auguste Comte: positivism at war with theology \\ Charles Darwin, emotions, and cooperation \\ Durkheim?s application of Darwin?s insights \\ Ferdinand Tonnies on the extinction of community \\ Max Weber on the disappearance of charisma \\ William James and the bullying inherent in vicious abstractionism \\ The Chicago School of sociology and the movement from primary to secondary groups \\ David Riesman and the society of sameness \\ The battle hymn of the lonely crowd \\ The Buffy television series as the Shakespearean drama of the postemotional age \\ George Ritzer and the McDonaldization of society \\ McDonaldization as the postemotionalization of Puritanism \\ Postemotional charisma \\ CHAPTER 3: POSTMODERNISM AS NEGATION OF THE GIFT \\ Deconstruction: tear down, but do not rebuild \\ Decentering: everything and everyone is marginalized \\ The Marxist basis for postmodernism \\ Walter Benjamin: the loss of aura, and simulacra \\ The postmodern theme of disenchantment \\ Truths are cut down to size \\ CHAPTER 4: POSTEMOTIONALISM ILLUSTRATED \\ Revisiting David Riesman and Marshall McLuhan on oral, written, and screen image societies \\ Postemotionalism in Dostoevsky?s ?The Grand Inquisitor? \\ Dostoevsky?s Notes From the Underground \\ The narrative in the film, Idiocracy, as an example of postemotional society \\ The pharmaceutical control of emotions in The Giver and Equilibrium \\ CHAPTER 5: ABU GHRAIB AND POSTEMOTIONAL SOCIETY \\ The digital photographs, or screen image element \\ The postemotional carry-over of Zimbardo?s theory \\ Postemotional soldiers as ?fungible assets? \\ The lawyers as fungible assets, and postemotional law \\ The postemotional smile \\ Holding back emotions, and reliance upon techniques \\ Postemotional manipulation \\ The scripted, postemotional society \\ CHAPTER 6: DRIVEN TO SUICIDE BY BULLYING \\ Immediate desiccation of emotional import \\ Disavowal by Johnny?s parents \\ Postemotional suicide prevention \\ Definition of hazing \\ What is the conduct of corrective training? \\ Jury selection: over as soon as it started \\ Racial slurs postemotionalized into nicknames and terms of endearment \\ The social disorganization at the outpost \\ CHAPTER 7: BEATEN TO DEATH \\ Postemotional groupthink \\ The dysfunctional social system that will not self-correct \\ Postemotional anomie \\ The postemotional panopticon \\ CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?
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