Field hospitals are deployed in a wide range of scenarios including natural disasters, epidemic outbreaks, armed conflicts and refugee crises. Operation in these conditions requires adaptation to disaster medicine principles and operation in an austere environment and unfamiliar cultural milieu, whilst maintaining acceptable standards of care. For many of those involved it may be their first encounter. This book, which is the first to address the preparation and operation of field hospitals, brings together the experience of world leaders in the field. Coming from a wide variety of organizations and backgrounds, all have extensive experience in field hospital deployment in multiple scenarios. The text - containing both background information and practical guidelines - will serve all those involved in field hospital deployment, including policy makers and planners, physicians and nurses, paramedical professionals and logisticians. It will help them deliver optimal care to people around the globe in difficult times of need.
Preface Elhanan Bar-On, Kobi Peleg and Yitshak Kreiss; Part I. History: 1. History of military field hospitals Eran Dolev; 2. Caring for weapon wounded: the red cross experience from Solferino to the ICRC hospitals Asa Molde; Part II. Scenarios: 3. Definitions, needs, scenarios, functional concept, modes of deployment Maximilian P. Nerlander and Johan von Schreeb; 4. Needs assessment: forecasting the needs and improving the immediate medical response in complex emergencies Olivier Hagon, Lionel Dumont and Jean-Daniel Junod; 5. Predeployment operational planning and preparations Arjun Katoch and Elon Glassberg; Part III. Operational Considerations: 6. Training and accreditation Anthony D. Redmond; 7. Personnel Pietro D. Marghella and Kelly Suter; 8. Leading the mission: organizational structure and operations Yitshak Kreiss and Yoel Har-Even; 9. Coordination and organization of medical relief to affected areas Kobi Peleg, Moran Bodas and Ian Norton; 10. Field hospital logistics: the technical component Terry Trewin; 11. Auxiliary medical services in a field hospital Yoel Har-Even, Guy Lakovski, Melanie Morrow, Michel Somekh and Tami Halperin; 12. Information and communication technologies in a field hospital Gadi Levi and Dror Yifrach; Part IV. Clinical Considerations: 13. Advanced triage management for emergency medical teams Frederick M. Burkle, Jr; 14. Medical aspects in a field hospital Ian Kiskin and Eliezer Schwartz; 15. Pediatrics in a field hospital Vladislav Dvoyris and Tarif Bader; 16. Surgery in a field hospital Harald Veen and Seema Biswas; 17. Wound management in a field hospital environment Alan Kay; 18. Orthopedics in a field hospital Elhanan Bar-On and Patrick Herard; 19. Burn care in a field hospital environment Alan Kay; 20. Obstetrics and gynecology in a field hospital Avi Abargel and Shir Dar; 21. Otolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery in a field hospital Tal Marom, Haim Lavon and Ariel Hirschhorn; 22. Ophthalmology in a field hospital Erez Tsumi; 23. Anesthesia and pain management in field hospitals Ralf E. Gebhard, Asima Iqbal and Mohamed Koronfel; 24. Intensive care unit build-up within a field hospital setting Ami Mayo, Nisim Ifrach, Dekel Stavi and Minrod Adi; 25. Infectious diseases and public health in a field hospital Paul Reed and Boris Lushniak; 26. Primary and ambulatory care in a field hospital in disaster areas Ilan Green and Shlomo Vinker; 27. Mental health in a field hospital Eyal Fruchter and Karen Ginat; 28. Nursing in a field hospital: planning, organisation and operations Bronte Martin and Rebecca Weir; Part V. Additional Contextual Considerations: 29. Forensic medicine and victim identification in the field hospital setting S. David Gertz, Chen Kugel, Ladd A. Tremiane and Louis N. Finelli; 30. Prehospital care in the disaster setting Dan Hanfling; 31. Long-term deployment and continuity of care Seema Biswas, Harald Veen and Inga Osmers; 32. Ethical dilemmas in field hospital deployment Ofer Merin, Avraham Steinberg and Dan Hanfling; 33. Legal issues Claire Clement.
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