Providing a comparative overview of the effects that the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin have on behavior, this book examines remarkable parallel findings in both humans and non-human animals. It features contributions from leading researchers, making this a valuable resource for graduate students, researchers and clinicians in the field.
List of contributors; Preface Elena Choleris, Martin Kavaliers and Donald W. Pfaff; Part I. Oxytocin and Vasopressin Systems ? Anatomy, Function, and Development: 1. Oxytocin, vasopressin and their interplay with gonadal steroids Monica B. Dhakar, Erica L. Stevenson and Heather K. Caldwell; 2. Oxytocin and vasopressin release and their receptor-mediated intracellular pathways that determine their behavioral effects Inga D. Neumann and Erwin H. van den Burg; 3. Regulation of oxytocin and vasopressin secretion: involvement of the calcium amplification pathway through cyclic ADP-ribose and CD38 Haruhiro Higashida, Olga Lopatina and Amina Sarawat; 4. The organizational effects of oxytocin and vasopressin: behavioral implications Bruce S. Cushing; Part II. Behavioral Studies ? Comparative Approach: 5. Social regulatory functions of vasotocin and isotocin in fish Richmond R. Thompson and James C. Walton; 6. Vasotocin modulation of social behaviors in amphibians Sunny K. Boyd; 7. Nonapeptide mechanisms of avian social behavior and phenotypic diversity James L. Goodson; 8. Oxytocin, vasopressin, and the evolution of mating systems in mammals Sara M. Freeman and Larry J. Young; 9. Oxytocin regulation of maternal behavior: from rodents to humans Cort A. Pedersen; 10. Oxytocin regulation of social and maternal behavior in sheep Keith M. Kendrick; 11. The roles of vasopressin and oxytocin in aggression Jerome H. Pagani, Scott R. Wersinger and W. Scott Young, III; 12. The role of vasopressin in flank marking and aggression Craig F. Ferris, Richard H. Melloni, Jr and H. Elliott Albers; 13. The involvement of oxytocin and vasopressin in social recognition and social learning: interplay with the sex hormones Riccardo Dore, Anna Phan, Amy E. Clipperton-Allen, Martin Kavaliers and Elena Choleris; 14. Oxytocin, vasopressin, sociality and pathogen avoidance Martin Kavaliers and Elena Choleris; 15. Oxytocin and addiction: recent preclinical advances and future clinical potential Ian McGregor and Michael T. Bowen; 16. Oxytocin and vasopressin in non-human primates Benjamin J. Ragen and Karen L. Bales; Part III. Human Studies: 17. The involvement of oxytocin and vasopressin in fear and anxiety: animal and human studies Yoav Litvin and Donald W. Pfaff; 18. Oxytocin instantiates empathy and produces prosocial behaviors Jorge A. Barraza and Paul J. Zak; 19. Oxytocin and vasopressin in human sociality and social psychopathologies Richard P. Ebstein, Idan Shalev, Salomon Israel, Florina Uzefovsky, Reut Avinun, Ariel Knafo, Nurit Yirmiya and David Mankuta; 20. Oxytocin and autism Joshua J. Green, Bonnie Taylor and Eric Hollander; Conclusion: oxytocin, vasopressin and related peptides in the regulation of behavior. Where next? Elena Choleris, Martin Kavaliers and Donald W. Pfaff; Index.
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