Cultural Proficiency helps establish a mindset and worldview for effectively describing and responding to inequities. Its inside-outside approach to leadership is grounded in the assumption that honest introspection is a requirement to leading equity-driven change.
Preface to the Fourth Edition \\ Foreword to the Third Edition \\ Foreword to the Second Edition \\ Foreword to the First Edition \\ Acknowledgments \\ About the Authors \\ PART I. UNDERSTANDING CULTURAL PROFICIENCY \\ 1. Cultural Proficiency \\ Cultural Proficiency: An Inside-Out Approach to Difference \\ The Four Tools \\ A Historical Context \\ Why Would I or My School Want to Engage? \\ Learning and Educating Effectively \\ Living in a Global Community \\ Participating in the Community \\ Culturally Proficient Leadership: Diversity “Is” \\ Resources for Developing Culturally Proficient Leaders \\ Read the Text First \\ Cultural Proficiency Books’ Essential Questions \\ Going Deeper: Reflection \\ Going Deeper: Dialogic Questions \\ 2. A Cultural and Historical Context for Our Unfolding Democracy \\ An Inside-Out Approach \\ What It Takes \\ Culture Is . . . \\ What Happened to Race? \\ The Legacy of Segregation and Exclusion \\ A History of Caste in the United States \\ Labels for Historically Oppressed People \\ From Segregation to Cultural Proficiency \\ Culture and History Provide Perspective \\ Going Deeper: Reflection \\ Going Deeper: Dialogic Questions \\ 3. Leadership for Today’s Schools \\ Our Journey With Culturally Proficient Leaders \\ Culturally Proficient Leadership: Exploring Deeply Held Values for Equity \\ Shared Vision \\ Long-Term, Systemic Change: Finding Leverage Points for Acti \\ Limitations of Local School Change Initiatives \\ Inside-Out Approach to Change: Why Leaders Ask Why? \\ Cultural Proficiency as a Frame for Change \\ Reflection \\ Culturally Proficient Leadership Is Transformative \\ Continuum as a Guide: Creating Initial Awareness Is Cultural Precompetence \\ Tools for Change \\ Formal and Nonformal Leaders \\ Reflection \\ Culturally Proficient Leaders Focus on Inequities \\ Going Deeper: Reflection \\ Going Deeper: Dialogic Questions \\ 4. Framing Your Work With the Tools of Cultural Proficiency \\ The Important First Step: Inside-Out Change \\ Cultural Proficiency Conceptual Framework \\ The Four Tools of Cultural Proficiency \\ Going Deeper: Reflection \\ Going Deeper: Dialogic Questions \\ PART II. USING THE TOOLS OF CULTURAL PROFICIENCY \\ 5. The Tool: Overcoming Barriers \\ Barriers to Cultural Proficiency \\ This Chapter Is for Everyone \\ Caveat: Systemic Oppression \\ Caveat: Privilege and Entitlement \\ Caveat: Unawareness of the Need to Adapt \\ Changing Educational Practices \\ Culturally Proficient Educators \\ Overcoming Resistance \\ Very Good News \\ Going Deeper: Reflection \\ Going Deeper: Dialogic Questions \\ 6. The Tool: The Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency \\ Cultural Proficiency as an Expression of Values \\ Principle: Culture Is Ever Present \\ Principle: People Are Served in Varying Degrees by the Dominant Culture \\ Principle: People Have Group Identities and Personal Identities \\ Principle: Diversity Within Cultures Is Important \\ Principle: Each Group Has Unique Cultural Needs That Must Be Respected \\ Principle: The Family, as Defined by Each Culture, Is the Primary System of Support in the Education of Children \\ Principle: People Who Are Not a Part of the Dominant Culture Have to Be at Least Bicultural \\ Principle: Inherent in Cross-Cultural Interactions Are Social and Communication Dynamics That Must Be Acknowledged, Adjusted to, and Accepted \\ Principle: The School System Must Incorporate Cultural Knowledge Into Practice and Policymaking \\ Make It Count \\ Going Deeper: Reflection \\ Going Deeper: Dialogic Questions \\ 7. The Tool: The Cultural Proficiency Continuum \\ Macro- and Microaggressions \\ The Continuum \\ Going Deeper: Reflection \\ Going Deeper: Dialogic Questions \\ 8. The Tool: The Essential Elements \\ The Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency \\ Finding Leverage for School Leadership \\ Going Deeper: Reflection \\ Going Deeper: Dialogic Questions \\ PART III. MAKING THE COMMITMENT TO CULTURAL PROFICIENCY \\ 9. Commit to Action \\ So Where Do You Start? \\ You Are Here \\ Action Through Transformative Collaborative Inquiry \\ Design the Inquiry \\ Going Deeper: Reflection \\ Going Deeper: Dialogic Questions \\ 10. A Note to Those Preparing School Leaders \\ Preamble \\ Introduction \\ Historical Overview \\ Legacy in Part \\ Transformative Leadership Is Inclusive Leadership \\ Systemic Leadership and Tools of Cultural Proficiency \\ Achievement Gaps, Disproportionality, and Our Preparation Programs \\ Call to Action \\ References \\ Resources \\ Introduction to Learning Strategies \\ Do Your Own Work \\ Believe It \\ Be Able to Work Without the Script \\ Set the Tone \\ Take Time to Process \\ Use Small Groups \\ Work in Teams \\ Develop Your Own Style \\ Be Prepared for Trouble \\ Have Fun \\ Resource A: Understanding Diversity \\ Learning Strategy 1: Telling Your Stories \\ Learning Strategy 2: Diversity in Your Life \\ Learning Strategy 3: Stand Up \\ Learning Strategy 4: Line Up \\ Resource B: Getting to Know Myself \\ Learning Strategy 1: Journaling \\ Learning Strategy 2: Diversity Lifeline \\ Learning Strategy 3: Name Five Things \\ Learning Strategy 4: Who Are You? \\ Learning Strategy 5: Who Am I? \\ Learning Strategy 6: Cultural Portrait \\ Learning Strategy 7: Identities \\ Learning Strategy 8: Group Stereotypes \\ Learning Strategy 9: The Process of Personal Change \\ Learning Strategy 10: Seven Dynamics of Change \\ Learning Strategy 11: Paradigms \\ Learning Strategy 12: Strength Bombardment \\ Resource C: Getting to Know Your Colleagues and Your Organization \\ Learning Strategy 1: Introductory Grid \\ Learning Strategy 2: Cultural Perceptions \\ Learning Strategy 3: What’s in a Name? \\ Learning Strategy 4: Totems or Crests \\ Learning Strategy 5: Family Portrait \\ Learning Strategy 6: Group Stereotypes \\ Learning Strategy 7: Circle of History \\ Learning Strategy 8: Storytelling \\ Learning Strategy 9: Voices That Resonate \\ Learning Strategy 10: Needs Assessment \\ Resource D: Understanding Power and Privilege \\ Learning Strategy 1: Barriers to Cultural Proficiency \\ Learning Strategy 2: Describe a Culturally Incompetent Organization \\ Learning Strategy 3: A Survey of Privilege and Entitlement \\ Learning Strategy 4: Listening and Hearing \\ Learning Strategy 5: Seven-Minute Day \\ Resource E: Going Deeper With the Principles \\ Learning Strategy 1: Guiding Principles Discussion Starters \\ Learning Strategy 2: Family Values \\ Learning Strategy 3: My Work Values \\ Learning Strategy 4: Examining Your Organizational Values \\ Resource F: Going Deeper With the Continuum \\ Learning Strategy 1: Cultural Proficiency Continuum \\ Learning Strategy 2: Exploring Behaviors Along the Continuum \\ Resource G: Going Deeper With the Essential Elements \\ Learning Strategy 1: Using the Essential Elements \\ Learning Strategy 2: Essential Elements of Culturally Proficient Leaders \\ Learning Strategy 3: Cultural Competence Self-Assessment \\ Resource H: Book Study Guide \\ Resource I: Cultural Proficiency Books’ Essential Questions \\ Suggested Foundational Readings \\ References \\ Index
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