The McDonaldization of Society links classical sociological theory to many key aspects of contemporary life in a globalized world.
Chapter 1. Introduction \\ McDonaldization: The Basic Principles \\ The Advantages of McDonaldization \\ A Critique of McDonaldization: The Irrationality of Rationality \\ McDonald’s: Creating the \"Fast-Food Factory\" \\ McDonald’s and Other Brick-And-Mortar Consumption Sites \\ The Long Arm of McDonaldization \\ McDonald’s as an American and a Global Icon \\ A Look Ahead \\ Chapter 2. McDonaldization: Past and Present \\ Thinking about the Brick-And-Mortar \"Solids\", Digital \"Liquids\", and the Augmented Reality of \"Bricks-and-Clicks\" \\ Key Predecessors \\ McDonaldization and Consumption Today \\ Comparing McDonald’s, Wal-Mart and Amazon.com \\ Chapter 3. Efficiency: Consumers 1 \\ Efficiency: Drive-Throughs and Finger Foods \\ Calculability: Big Macs, Algorithms and Big Data \\ Chapter 4. Predictability and Control: Consumers 2 \\ Predictability: It Never Rains on Those Little Houses on the Hillside \\ Control: Human and Nonhuman Robots \\ Chapter 5. Efficiency and Calculability: McJobs and Other McDonaldized Occupations 1 \\ McJobs and the Dimensions of McDonaldization \\ Efficiency: It’s a Fetish \\ Calculability: Zeal for Speed \\ Chapter 6. Predictability and Control: McJobs and Other Mcdonaldized Occupations 2 \\ Predictability: Scripting and Controlling Employees \\ Control: Even Pilots Aren’t in Control \\ Chapter 7. The Irrationality of Rationality: Traffic James on Those \"Happy Trails\" \\ Inefficiency: Long Lines at Checkout \\ High Cost: Better off at Home \\ False Friendliness: \"Hi, George\" and Emojis \\ Disenchantment: Where’s the Magic? \\ Health and Environmental Hazards: A Day’s Calories in One Fast-Food Meal \\ Homogenization: It’s No Different in Paris \\ Dehumanization: Getting Hosed at \"Troff ’n’ Brew\" \\ Dealing With Irrationality: Of Velvet, Rubber, of Iron Cages? \\ Conclusion
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