Exploring common challenges and unpacking why performance appraisal often fails in organizations, Performance Appraisal and Management uses the latest thinking and research to equip readers with evidence-based tools and strategies for overcoming these obstacles.
Preface \\ Acknowledgments \\ About the Authors \\ Section I: Introduction \\ Chapter 1: Performance Appraisal: Research and Practice \\ Learning Objectives \\ Performance Appraisal: Historical Development and Present Status \\ Organization of this Book \\ Summary \\ Exercise: Can Organizations Manage Human Resources Without Performance Appraisal? \\ Chapter 2: Performance Management and Performance Appraisal \\ Learning Objectives \\ Why Study Performance Appraisal Rather Than Performance Management? \\ Performance Management \\ Performance Appraisal and Performance Management: Similarities and Differences \\ Human Resource Management, Strategic HRM, and Performance Management \\ Can Performance Management Be Simplified? \\ Can Performance Be Managed? \\ Challenges in Evaluating Performance Management \\ What Is the Role of Performance Appraisal in Performance Management? \\ Performance Appraisal, Performance Management, and Integrated HR Interventions \\ Summary \\ Analysis: From Strategy to Performance Goals \\ Chapter 3: Defining Job Performance \\ Learning Objectives \\ Defining Performance \\ A General Model of Job Performance \\ The Distribution of Job Performance \\ Dimensions of Job Performance \\ Units of Analysis and Methods of Measurement \\ Objective Versus Subjective Measures of Performance \\ Summary \\ Analysis: Values and Validation—How the Definition of Performance Influences Conclusions Test Validity \\ Section II: The Performance Appraisal Process \\ Chapter 4: The Four Key Challenges to Performance Appraisal \\ Learning Objectives \\ The Structural Causes of Failure \\ Summary \\ Exercise: Maintain a Behavior Diary \\ Chapter 5: Obtaining Information and Evaluating Performance \\ Learning Objectives \\ Who Should Evaluate Performance \\ Cognitive Processes in Performance Evaluation \\ Liking and Emotion: Affective Influences on Performance Appraisal \\ Standards for Evaluating Performance \\ Summary \\ Exercise: Writing Performance Standards \\ Chapter 6: Rating Scales and Rater Training \\ Learning Objectives \\ Rating Scales \\ Ranking as an Alternative to Rating \\ Rater Training \\ Summary \\ Exercise: Developing Behavior-Based Rating Scales \\ Chapter 7: How Context Influences Performance Appraisal \\ Learning Objectives \\ The Emergence of Context-Oriented Research \\ Distal Context \\ Proximal Context \\ Summary \\ Case Study: Why Rank and Yank Failed at Microsoft \\ Chapter 8: How Organizations Use Performance Appraisal \\ Learning Objectives \\ The Purpose of Performance Appraisal \\ The Uses of Performance Appraisal \\ Informal Uses of Performance Appraisal: Downward and Upward Influence \\ Summary \\ Case Study: Even Terrorists Get Performance Appraisals—And Act on Them! \\ Section III: Challenges in Implementing and Evaluating Performance Appraisal Systems \\ Chapter 9: Giving and Receiving Feedback \\ Learning Objectives \\ The Definition and Purpose of Feedback \\ Multisource Feedback \\ Why is Feedback Hard to Give and Receive? \\ Culture, Climate, and Feedback \\ The Effects of Feedback and Reactions to Feedback \\ Do Employees Want Feedback and Development? \\ Summary \\ Exercise: Evaluate Your Company’s Feedback Program \\ Chapter 10: Dealing with Reactions and Attitudes \\ Learning Objectives \\ Reactions to Appraisal Systems \\ How Reactions Affect Performance Appraisal Processes and Outcomes \\ Determinants and Effects of Reactions to Appraisal Systems \\ The Death Spiral of Appraisal Systems \\ Summary \\ Case Study: Understanding Resistance to Performance Appraisal \\ Chapter 11: Evaluating Performance Ratings \\ Learning Objectives \\ Do Raters Agree? The Reliability of Performance Ratings \\ Rater Error Measures \\ Rating Accuracy \\ Construct Validity of Performance Ratings \\ Conclusions About the Reliability, Validity, and Accuracy of Performance Ratings \\ Summary \\ Exercise: Analyze Rating Data \\ Chapter 12: Rater Goals and Rating Distortion \\ Learning Objectives \\ Why are Ratings Inflated? \\ Whose Goals? \\ Rater Goals \\ Analyzing Performance Rating Strategies as a Choice Between Alternatives \\ Summary \\ Exercise: Build a Goal Assessment Tool \\ Section IV: Improving Performance Appraisal Systems \\ Chapter 13: The Performance Appraisal Debate \\ Learning Objectives \\ Getting Rid of Performance Appraisal? \\ We Can’t Get Rid of Performance Appraisal \\ Can Appraisal Systems be Saved? \\ Summary \\ Case Study: Can This Performance Appraisal System Be Saved? \\ Chapter 14: Building Better Performance Appraisal Systems \\ Learning Objectives \\ Improving Performance Appraisals \\ Make Appraisals Easier and Less Risky \\ Trust: The Essential Currency of Performance Appraisal \\ The Ethical Practice of Performance Appraisal \\ Summary \\ Case Study: Implementing a Performance Appraisal System \\ Appendix A: Rating Scale Formats \\ References \\ Index
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