The Guide for White Women Who
Teach Black Boys brings together
research, activities, personal stories,
and video interviews to help us all
embrace the deep realities and
thrilling potential of this crucial task.
Foreword by Glenn Singleton \\ Foreword by Heather Hackman \\ Introduction: Welcome to The Guide for White Women Who Teach Black Boys \\ Part 1: UNDERSTANDING \\ Section 1: Self- The Guide to Being a White Woman who Teaches Black Boys \\ 1. Ready to Make a Difference, The Old Fashioned Way - Debby Irving \\ Vignette: Raisins in the Sun: White Teacher as a Force of Nature Buffering the Radiation of Racial Retaliation – Howard Stevenson \\ 2. The State of the White Woman Teacher - Julie Landsman \\ 3. The State of Black Boy Student - Jerlando Jackson \\ Vignette: Two Black Boys - Solomon Arki \\ 4. Understanding Unconscious Bias as One More Tool in the Committed White Teacher’s Equity Toolkit - Diane Finnerty \\ 5. White Female Teachers and Black Boys: Right Teachers and (Mis)Understood Boys - John Marshall \\ 6. White Racial Identity Development - Ali Michael \\ 7. “What if being called ‘racist’ is the beginning, not the end, of the conversation? - Elizabeth Denevi \\ Vignette: New Understandings: Eli Searce \\ 8. What Does it Mean to Be A White Teacher? - Robin DiAngelo \\ Section 2: Understanding Black Boys’ Experiences in Schools \\ Vignette: Jack Hill-Prince \\ 9. Strategies for Showing Love to Black Boys - Jaime Washington \\ 10. Black Excellence and White Privilege - David Stills \\ 11. Black Boys & Their Racial Identity: Learning how they fit into society and in your classroom - Keisha Bentley-Edwards et al \\ Vignette: Principal’s Office - Adrian Chandler \\ 12. Teaching Black Boys During Childhood: A Counter Narrative and Considerations- Joseph Nelson \\ Vignette: Being Black and Deaf - Sean Norman \\ 13. “How Dare You Make This About Race?!”: Centering Race, Gender and Poverty - H. Richard Milner \\ 14. The N!gga/er in Me… - Eddie Moore Jr. \\ Vignette: Die N-word Die - Marguerite Penick-Parks \\ 15. Blackness/Transness: Two Targets on my Back - Zeam Porter with Ty Gale \\ Vignette: What Educators Can Do - Phillipe Cunningham \\ 16. White Teachers and the Power to Transform: Early Childhood Educators and the Potential for Lasting Harm - Chonika Coleman-King and Jabina Coleman \\ Vignette: Brown mothers - White Children - Jillian Best Adler \\ 17. Learn about us before you teach (about) us: Queer Black Boys - Benny Vasquez \\ 18. Black Male Students and Teachers in K-12 Classrooms: Strategies for Support to Increase Performance as Students and Professionals - Chance Lewis \\ Vignette: The Administrative Assistant - Deneen Young \\ PART 2: RESPECTING \\ Section 3: Respecting the Constraints and Challenging the Narratives about who Black boys are and who White Women can be \\ 19. Respecting Black Boys and Their History - Jawanza Kunjufu \\ 20. “I Can Switch My Language, but I Can’t Switch My Skin”:What Teachers Must Understand about Linguistic Racism - April Baker-Bell \\ Vignette: Krystal de’Leon - The color of poop \\ 21. Identity Safety as an Antidote to Stereotype Threat - Becki Cohn-Vargas \\ 22. The Science Behind Psychological Verve and What It Means for Black Students - Darla Scott \\ 23. The Visit - Chezare Warren and Justin Coles \\ 24. Rewriting the Narrative - Toni Williamson \\ Vignette: Slavery Archetypes - Olugbala Williams \\ 25. “Don’t Lean—Jump In”: The Fierce Urgency to Confront, Dismantle, and (Re)write the Historical Narrative of Black Boys in Educational Institutions - Sharoni Little \\ PART 3: CONNECTING \\ Section 4: Relationships with Parents, Colleagues, and Community \\ 26. Zero Margin for Error - Verna Myers \\ 27. Connecting with Black Students and Parents: Equal Vision - Shakti Butler \\ Vignette: Being a Black Mom of Black Boys - Orinthia Swindell \\ 28. Moving Past Tolerance to Inclusion (possible alternative title: Activating Inclusiveness)- Chris Avery \\ 29. Belief, Pedagogy and Practice: Strategies for Building Powerful Classroom Communities - Ty-Ron Douglas & Stefanie Rome \\ Vignette: The Symbolic Teacher - Carl Moore \\ 30. Ruminations From The Intersections of a #BlackMommyActivist - Shemariah Arki \\ Vignette: Discipline Practices of Caribbean Families – Chonika Colema- King \\ 31. Find Freedom in the Classroom - A Love Letter to My Babies’ Teachers - Crystal Laura \\ Section 5A: Connecting Student Success and Failure to School Structures and Classroom Strategies: Interrupting School Structures \\ 32. Start Out Firm - Valerie Adams-Bass \\ 33. A Parable of Academic Misgivings: The Educator’s Role in Addressing College Undermatch - Ed Smith \\ Vignette: Nonviolence - Violence - Standing Up - Aaron Abrams \\ 34. The Collusion of Social Norms and Working With Interracial Families - Jennifer Chandler \\ 35. What Are We Doing To Address “These” Students?: Strategies for Creating Equitable Classrooms - Brian Johnson \\ Vignette: Dismantling the “White Savior Mentality” - Marvin Pierre \\ 36. ADD/ADHD Over-Identification and How Black Cultural Styles are Often Confused for ADD - Erica Snowden \\ 37. Football, Sports and Moore - Using Schools Structures to get more out of Black Boys - Eddie Moore Jr., Frederick Gooding Jr. \\ Section 5B: Connecting Student Success and Failure to School Structures and Classroom Strategies: Classroom Strategies for Success \\ Vignette: How do Black Lives Matter in your Curriculum? - Russell Marsh \\ 38. Strategies that De-escalate Conflict in the Classroom- Barbara Moore-Williams, Deidre Spence, Chris McGinley \\ 39. Heath, Bloom, Banks: Exploring the Importance of What and Why Questions - Marguerite Penick-Parks & Suzanne Fondrie \\ 40. Black Faces and White Spaces: Recognizing and Supporting Black Boys in Gifted Education - Donna Y. Ford, Brian L. Wright & Tarek C. Grantham \\ 41. Books and Curriculum: What to read with Black males in Elementary School to create a strong foundation of positive racial identity development - Marie Michael \\ 42. Global Skills: Beyond the classroom and the playground - Dion Crushshon \\ 43. Outtro: Remember, Black Girls aren’t doing “Just Fine:” Supporting Black Girls in the Classroom - Charlotte Jacobs
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