Discover a proven approach to
collaborative professional learning,
supported by signifi cant fi eld research
and updated to promote learning goals,
culturally competent teaching, and
student achievement.
Introduction \\ SECTION A. CASL: OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND \\ 1. The Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning: Essential Features and Benefits \\ Why is the Collaborative Analysis of Student Necessary? \\ What are the Essential Features of CASL? \\ A Conceptual Framework: Teacher as Collaborative Inquirer \\ Structured Inquiry \\ A Focus on Standards of Excellence \\ Case-Study for Equitable Responsiveness \\ Inquiry Over Time \\ Productive and Intentional Collaboration \\ Skilled Facilitation And Organizational Support \\ What are the Benefits of CASL? \\ Studies of CASL 2004-Present \\ Benefits to Students \\ Benefits to Teachers \\ Commitment to and Confidence in Ability to Promote Student Learning \\ Cultural Competency \\ Professional Knowledge \\ Alignment Among Standards, Assessments, and Instruction \\ Collaborative Sharing of Expertise \\ Professional Awareness and Self-Assessment \\ National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification \\ Benefits to Parents and Organizations \\ Summary \\ 2. Why CASL Works. The Framework: Teacher as Collaborative Inquirer \\ A Vision of The Collaborative Inquirer \\ The Framework: Teacher as a Collaborative Inquirer \\ Professional Knowledge Base for Teaching \\ The Collaborative Inquiry Cycle: Constructing Meaning \\ Share Background \\ Observe \\ Analyze and Interpret \\ Draw On Their Knowledge Base \\ Dialogue \\ Reflect \\ Act \\ Filtering System \\ Beliefs \\ Feelings \\ Dispositions 0f Collaborative Inquirers \\ Moral Stance \\ Collective Responsibility \\ Cultural Competency \\ Efficacy \\ Develop Collaborative Inquirers \\ Summary \\ SECTION II. BUILDING A CULTURE FOR COLLABORATIVE INQUIRY \\ 3. Working Agreements and Communication for Collaborative Inquiry \\ Working Agreements \\ Communication Skills \\ Dialogue \\ Committed Learning \\ Non-Productive Listening \\ Judgmental Listening \\ Autobiographical Listening \\ Inquisitive Listening \\ Solution Listening \\ Pausing \\ Matching Verbal and Nonverbal Cues \\ Paraphrasing \\ Probing \\ Probing for Clarity \\ Empowering Probes (Presuppositions) \\ Probing for Beliefs \\ Putting Ideas on The Table \\ Putting It All Together \\ Summary \\ 4. Leadership and Support \\ Develop and Uphold a Shared Vision \\ Apply Both Pressure And Support to Reach The Vision \\ Promote Teachers’ Curiosity and Collective Responsibility \\ Analysis of Student Data \\ Examination Of The Unknown \\ Review of Relevant Research \\ Supporting Teachers’ Engagement in CASL \\ Develop Interest In CASL \\ Establish Collaborative Teams \\ Identify The Target Learning Area \\ Provide Resources \\ Meeting Expenses \\ Compensation For Facilitator and Participants \\ Professional Learning Opportunities and Materials \\ Provide Incentives and Celebrate Victories \\ Model A Commitment to Collaborative Inquiry \\ Summary \\ 5. Facilitation of Collaborative Inquiry \\ Selection of A Study Group Fracilitator \\ The Art of Facilitation \\ The Directive Approach \\ The Collaborative Approach \\ The Nondirective Approach \\ Flexing For Various Purposes \\ Identify A Teacher’s Assumption \\ Identify Gaps in Teachers’ Professional Knowledge Base \\ Facilitating The Flow of Curiosity \\ Preparation For Facilitation of CASL \\ Planning With The School Leadership \\ Teachers’ Expertise and Prior Experience \\ Contextual Background \\ Logistics \\ Composition of Study Groups \\ Scheduling and Pacing of CASL Sessions \\ Arranging Space for CASL Sessions \\ Gathering Necessary Materials \\ Getting Acquainted with The Teachers \\ The CASL Session Design and Supportive Tools \\ Opening Session \\ Engaging In Professional Learning \\ Organizing for The Next Session \\ Group and Individual Documentation \\ Public Notes of Group Thinking \\ Individual Notes and Written Reflections \\ Developing Consistent Use of the Working Agreements and Communication Skills \\ Growing In Your Facilitation \\ Start Small \\ Co-Facilitate \\ Engage the Leaders \\ Pursue Additional Learning \\ Inquire Into the Group’s Learning and Your Role in Facilitating It \\ Summary \\ SECTION III. THE FIVE CASL PHASES \\ The 5 CASL Phases \\ Adapting The CASL Phases For Local Needs \\ The CASL Introductory Session \\ Preparation and Materials \\ Teacher Learning Outcomes \\ Agenda \\ How to Use Chapters 6-9 \\ 6. Phase I: Establishing a Focus for CASL Inquiry \\ Phase I Overview \\ Phase I Preparation and Materials \\ Phase I Teacher Learning Outcomes \\ Guiding A Study Group Through Phase I \\ Protocol Step 1. Share Background \\ Protocol Step 2. Observe Patterns In Data \\ Protocol Step 3. Analyze The Power of the TLA as a Focus for Inquiry \\ Protocol Step 4. Plan TLA Outcomes and Assessments \\ Protocol Step 5. Reflect \\ Assessment Knowledge and Experience \\ Inconsistent Use of Scoring Criteria (Lack of Reliability) \\ When A Rubric Is Mandated \\ No Test Data Available \\ Teachers New To District Content Outcomes and Curriculum \\ Summary \\ Chapter 7. Phase II: Defining Teachers’ Professional Learning Goals \\ 7. Phase II: Defining Teachers’ Professional Learning Goals \\ Phase II Overview \\ Phase II Preparation and Materials \\ Phase II Teacher Learning Outcomes \\ Professional Knowledge Base \\ Skills for Collaborative Inquiry \\ Filters and Dispositions \\ Guiding A Study Group Through Phase II \\ Opening The Session \\ Protocol Step 1. Share Background \\ Protocol Step 2. Observe Patterns In Initial Assessment Data \\ Protocol Step 3. Analyze Professional Learning Goals \\ Protocol Step 4. Plan for Professional Learning \\ Protocol Step 5. Reflect \\ Phase II: Adaptations \\ Curriculum Revision \\ Lack of Experience with Assessment \\ Considerable Experience with Assessment \\ Hesitation to Share Student Work \\ Limited Time \\ Multiple Scores For Each Student \\ Mandated Assessment or Scoring Rubric \\ Changing the Focus Student \\ Chapter Summary \\ 8. Phase III: Inquiring Into Teaching For Learning \\ Phase III Overview \\ Phase III Preparation and Materials \\ Group Member Preparation \\ Materials \\ Phase III Teacher Learning Outcomes \\ Professional Knowledge Base \\ Skills for Collaborative Inquiry \\ Filters and Dispositions \\ Guiding A Study Group Through Phase III \\ Phase II: Adaptations \\ Chapter Summary \\ 9. Phases IV. Assessing Learning Progress and CASL Phase V. Integrating Learning Into Teachers’ Professional Practice \\ Phase IV Overview \\ Phase IV Preparation and Materials \\ Phase IV Teacher Learning Outcomes \\ Guiding A Study Group Through Phase IV \\ Phase IV: Adaptations \\ Teacher Learning Outcomes \\ Guiding A Study Group Through Phase V \\ Chapter Summary \\ Conclusion \\ Appendix. Responses To Exercises in Chapters 7-8
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