As we navigate and move around our environment, many of the most important problems we face involve the processing of spatial information. The difficulty of solving these problems has been shown in the repeated failure of artificial systems to perform such tasks efficiently. In contrast, humans and other animals routinely overcome these problems. This collection of papers examines the role of the hippocampus and parietal cortex in supporting these remarkable abilities. It reviews the evidence that each area is involved in spatial cognition, examines the mechanisms underlying the generation of spatial behaviours, and considers the relative roles of the parietal and hippocampal areas, including how each interacts with the other. Written by leading experts in cognitive neuroscience, this book represents the state of the art of current research into the neural basis of spatial cognition.
1 N. Burgess, K.J. Jeffery and J. O’Keefe: Integrating hippocampal and parietal functions: a spatial point of view; Parietal Cortex; 2 G. Vallar: Spatial frames of reference and somatosensory processing: a neuropsychological perspective; 3 H-O. Karnath: Spatial orientation and the representation of space with parietal lobe lesions; 4 J. Driver: Egocentric and object-based visual neglect; 5 R.A. Andersen: Multimodal integration for the representation of space in the posterior parietal cortex; 6 C.L. Colby: Parietal cortex constructions action-oriented spatial representations; 7 A. Pouget and T.J. Sejnowski: A new view of hemineglect based on the response properties of parietal neurones; The Hippocampal Formation; 8 N. Burgess, J.G. Donnett, K.J. Jeffery and O’Keefe: Robotic and neuronal simulation of the hippocampus and navigation; 9 J. Bures, A.A. Fenton, Y. Kaminski, J. Rossier, B. Sacchiette and L. Zinyuk: Dissociation of exteroceptive and ideothetic orientation cues: effect on hippocampal place cells and place navigation; 10 A. Rotenberg and R.A. Muller: Variable place-cell coupling to a continuously viewed stimulus: evidence that the hippocampus acts as a perceptual system; 11 A.D. Redish and D.S. Touretzky: Separating hippocampal maps; 12 R.G.M. Morris and U. Frey: Hippocampal synaptic plasticity: role in spatial learning or the automatic recording of attended experience; 13 A.D. Milner, I. Johnsrude and J. Crane: Right medial temporal-lobe contribution to object-location memory; 14 R.G. Morris, J.A. Nunn, S. Abrahams, J.D. Feigenbaum and M. Reece: The hippocampus and spatial memory in humans; 15 M. Mishkin, W. Suzuki, D.G. Gadian and F. Vargha-Khadem: Hierarchical organisation of cognitive memory; Interactions between parietal and hippocampal systems in space and memory; 16 Y-L. Qin, B.L. McNaughton, W.E. Skaggs and C.A. Barnes: Memory reprocessing in coricocortial and hippocampocortical neuronal ensembles; 17 E.T. Rolls: The representaiton of space in the primate hippocampus, and its role in memory; 18 D. Gaffan and J. Hornak: Amnesia and neglect: beyond the Delay-Brion system and the Hebb synapse; 19 C.R. Olsen, S.N. Gettner and L. Tremblay: Representation of allocentric space in the monkey frontal lobe; 20 A. Berthoz: Parietal and hippocampal contribution to topokinetic and topographic memory; 21 E.A. Maguire: Hippocampal involvement in human topographical memory: evidence from functional imaging; 22 M.A. Arbib: Parietal cortex and hippocampus: from visual affordances to the world graph; 23 A.D. Milner, H.C. Dijkerman and D.P. Carey: Visuospatial processing in a pure case of visual-form agnosia
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