The Evidence-Based Practice Manual was developed as an all-inclusive and comprehensive practical desktop resource. It includes 104 original chapters, each specially written by the most prominent and experienced medical, public health, psychology, social work, criminal justice, and public policy practitioners, researchers, and professors in the United States and Canada. This book is specifically designed with practitioners in mind, providing at-a-glance overviews and direct application chapters. This is the only interdisciplinary volume available for locating and applying evidence-based assessment measures, treatment plans, and interventions. Particular attention has been given to providing practice guidelines and exemplars of evidence-based practice and practice-based research.
Section I: Overview and critical issues; 1: Roberts & Yeager: Systematic reviews of evidence-based studies and practice-based research: how to search for, develop, and use them; 2: Vandiver & Corcoran: Implementing best practice and expert consensus procedures; 3: Rosenthal: Overview of evidence based practices; 4: Hayward: Informing health choices: reflections on knowledge integration strategies for electronic health records; 5: Teague & Bell: Toward common performance indicators and measures for accountability in behavioural health care; 6: Casey & Krueger: An overview of focus group interviewing; 7: Yeager & Roberts: Mental illness, substance dependence and suicidality: secondary data analysis; 8: Reamer: Making participant observation research matter: a typology based on 12,000 felons; 9: Petrucci, Kirk & Reid: Computer technology and social work; 10: Chaiklin: Problem formulation, conceptualization, and theory development; 11: Almgren: Statistics for human service workers; Section II: Research ethics and step-by-step research grant guidelines; 12: Hwang, Martin & Bayoumi: Methodological, practical and ethical challenges to inner-city health research; 13: Antle, Regehr & Mishna: Qualitative research ethics: thriving within tensions; 14: Streiner: The fine art of grantsmanship; 15: Mowbray: Applying for research grants: step-by-step guidelines; 16: Crusto & Wandersman: Setting the stage for accountability and program evaluation in community-based grant-making; 17: Camasso, Harvey & Jagannathan: Conducting cost-benefit analysis in human service settings; Section III: Evidence-based practice: diagnosis, interventions, and outcome research; 18: Rosen & Proctor: Concise standards for developing evidence-based practice guidelines; 19: Dziegielewski & Roberts: Health care evidence-based practice: a product of political and cultural times; 20: Mullen: Facilitating practitioner use of evidence-based practice; 21: Mullen & Bacon: Implementation of practice guidelines and evidence-based treatment: a survey of psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers; 22: Gibbs & Gambrill: Measuring skills and reasoning scientifically and critically about practice; 23: Reid & Fortune: Task centered practice: an exemplar of evidence-based practice; 24: Camasso: Treatment evidence in a non-experimenting practice environment: some recommendations for increasing supply and demand; 25: LeCroy & Okamoto: Evidence-based practice and manualized treatment with children; 26: Munson: Evidence-based treatment for traumatized and abused children; 27: Springer: Treating juvenile delinquents with Conduct Disorder, ADHD, and Oppositional Defiance Disorder; 28: Abramowitz & Schwartz: Evidence-based treatments for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): deciding what treatment method works for whom?; 29: Bloom & Yeager: The implications of controlled outcome studies on planned short-term psychotherapy with depressive disorders; 30: Bloom & Yeager: Evidence-based practice with anxiety disorders: guidelines based on 59 outcome studies; 31: Vonk & Bordnick: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of persons with PTSD: an evidence-based approach; 32: Harris & Franklin: Evidence-based life skills interventions for pregnant adolescents in school settings; 33: Knox: Evidence-based practice with EMDR; 34: Walsh & Corcoran: Dysthymic disorder and the college student: evidence-based mental health approach; 35: Willenbring & Hagedorn: Implementing evidence-based practices in Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) clinics; 36: Cocoran: Evidence-based couples therapy with depressed clients; Section IV: Epidemiological and public health research; 37: Streiner: Epidemiology basics and foundation skills; 38: Tran, Gardon & Polidori: Application of remote sensing for disease surveillance in urban and suburban areas; 39: Thomas, Eng, Ackerman, Earp, Ellis & Carpenter: Establishing collaborations that engender trust in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases; 40: Holzman & Harwell: Prevalence of smoking and cessation among Northern Plains Indians; 41: Hackbarth: Using evaluation data as the basis for a local ordinance to control alcohol and tobacco billboards in Chicago; 42: Voigt: Use of random digit dialing to recruit representative population samples: epidemiological case control studies; Section V: Conceptualization, operationalization, and measurement; 43: Usher: Measuring and evaluating effectiveness of services for families and children; 44: Hendryx: Risk adjusted mental health outcomes; 45: Franklin, Cody & Jordan: Validity and reliability in family assessment; 46: Auerbach, LaPorte & Caputo: Statistical methods for estimates of inter-rater reliability; 47: Snively: Elements of consumer based outcome measurement; 48: Parris & Wodarski: Using computer technology in the measurement and prevention of college drinking; Section VI: Assessment tools and measures; 49: Corcoran: Locating measurement tools and instruments for individuals and couples; 50: Streiner: Overview of health scales and measures; 51: Mullen, Lucas, Fisher & Bacon: Clinician and patient satisfaction with computer-assisted diagnostic assessment in community outpatient clinics; 52: Yoshioka & Shibusawa: Psychosocial measures for Asian Pacific Americans; 53: Roberts: Crisis assessment measures and tools; 54: Solomon & Drane: Outcome measurement scale with families of the seriously mentally ill; 55: Bowen, Bowen & Wooley: Constructing and validating assessment tools for school based practitioners: The elementary school successful profile; 56: Bordnick, Vonk & Graap: PTSD and trauma assessment scales; 57: Mitchell & Koontz: Diagnosis and assessment of comorbid Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; 58: Glancy & Regehr: Assessment measures for sexual predators: step-by-step guidelines; 59: Pallone & Hennessy: ’Optimal practice’ clinical neuropsychology: a cautionary tale and revisionist proto-model; 60: Dick: Development of the fatherhood scale; 61: Faul & van Zyl: Constructing and validating a specific multi-item assessment or evaluation tool; Section VII: Program evaluation strategies; 62: Fetterman & Eiler: Empowerment evaluation; 63: McNeece: The seven secrets of a successful veteran evaluator; 64: McClintock: Integrating program evaluation and organization development; 65: Smith: Process vs. outcome evaluation; 66: Pane: Data quality for international service evaluation; 67: Pane: The data whisperer: strategies for motivating raw data providers; 68: Leigh: Needs assessment: a step-by-step approach; 69: Ginsburg: Budgeting and fiscal management in program evaluations; 70: Chapel: Constructing and using logic models in program evaluation; 71: Yeager: Program evaluation: this is rocket science; 72: Keenan: The evaluation of training for Leaders of foster and adoptive parent support groups; 73: Newman, Smith, Geehan & Viamonte: Documenting change in addiction treatment systems: a model for evaluation and examples of its use; 74: Holleran: Innovative approaches to risk assessment within alcohol prevention programming; Section VIII: Practice-based qualitative research exemplars; 75: Shaw: Qualitative evaluation application of reflective practice in direct care settings; 76: Roberts: Qualitative research with battered women: a continuum based on 501 cases; 77: Oktay & Park: Using qualitative research to enhance practice: the example of breast cancer in African American women; 78: Hurdle: Qualitative research: cancer prevention in older women; 79: Johnson: How family members of the mentally ill view mental health professionals: a focused ethnography; 80: Gomes, Beninca & McCarthy: Death on a daily basis: integrating research and practice in support groups for ICU nurses in Southern Brazil; 81: Chaiklin & Lipton: Family status and soup kitchen use: some policy considerations based on qualitative research findings; Section IX: Practice-based quantitative research exemplars; 82: Wehshar: A cognitive behavioural approach to suicide risk reduction in crisis intervention; 83: Williams-Hayes & Nugent: Effects of restorative justice on fear of revictimization: a meta-analysis using hierarchical generalized linear models; 84: LaSalle: Factors associated with crime on the casino floor: implications of secondary data analysis; 85: Brownell & Berman: Homicides in older women in New York city: a profile based on secondary data analysis; 86: Savin: Effective outcomes management at Deveraux; 87: McCarthy & Waters: Developing treatment programs for drug courts and evaluating effectiveness; 88: Longo: Application of logic models in rural program development; 89: Longo: Amplifying performance measurement literacy: reflections from the Appalachian Partnership for Welfare Reform; 90: Lewis & Goldstein: HIV prevention: evidenced-based practice with infrastructure support; 91: Chaiklin: Community reintegration pre-release research exemplar: applying theory to practice-based research; 92: Feldman: Principles, practices and findings of the St. Louis vonundrum: a large-scale field experiment with anti-social children; 93: Robertiello: Measuring police and citizen perceptions of police power in Newark, New Jersey; 94: Johnson: The role of families in buffering stress in persons with mental illness: a correlational study; 95: Thornton: Cognitive rehabilitation and neuronal plasticity: research on the effectiveness of quantitative EEG biofeedback; Section X: Establishing, monitoring and maintaining quality and operational improvement; 96: Silimperi: Framework for institutionalizing quality assurance; 97: Genier-Sennelier & Minvielle: Application of quality management methods for preventing an adverse event: the case of falls in hospitals; 98: Yeager: Establishment and utilization of balanced scorecards; 99: Orthner & Bowen: Strengthening practice through results management; 100: Mercier, Landry, Corbere & Perreault: Measuring clients perception as outcome measurement; 101: Claiborne & Bandenburgh: Social work role in disease management; 102: Hunsicker: Establishing benchmark programs within addictions treatment; 103: Hartnett & Kapp: Establishment of quality programming; Section XI: Epilogue; 104: Nathan & Gorman: The clinical utility of mental health research: bridging the present to the future; Appendices; Internet resources on research and evaluation in healthcare and human service settings; Glossary
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