P. Erhard, Boston Biomedical Research Institute, Watertown, MA, USA; Ambrus Toth, Boston Biomedical Research Institute, Watertown, MA, USA / 2009-07-15 / Humana Press
Xiao-Ming Yin, University of Pittsburgh Dept. Pathology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Zheng Dong, Medical College of Georgia Dept. Graduate Studies, Augusta, GA, USA / 2009-06-04 / Humana Press
Neil J. Scolding, University of Bristol Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK; David Gordon, University of Bristol Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK / 2009-05-07 / Humana Press
James Morré, Purdue University Dept. Medicinal Chemistry &, West Lafayette, IN, USA; Hilton H. Mollenhauer, College Station, TX, USA / 2008-12-18 / Springer New York
Julie Audet, University of Toronto Inst. Biomaterials &, Toronto, ON, Canada; William L. Stanford, University of Toronto Inst. Biomaterials &, Toronto, ON, Canada / 2008-12-12 / Humana Press